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Thread: afraid of what is next..

  1. #1
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    afraid of what is next..

    it's me sphinx again, thanks for those who shared their generous opinion in my previous posts
    this site helped me a lot for the decisions i made..
    once again..thanks to all who read and replied on my posts!

  2. #2
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    you shouldnt be afraid!

    whatever comes next is a new chapter in ur life,so good luck!

    i know things didnt work out for you and what you hoped for in life,but now you have another chance just learn from your past and try to improve your furture.

    btw you found this forum withs lots of good advice!

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    As the Labour Party used to sing...."Things can only get better...."

    ...sorry.....bad example
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Allways look on the briiite side of life ...te tum te tum te tum te tum

  5. #5
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Great things ahead!
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  6. #6
    Respected Member jencha8569's Avatar
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    ur welcome
    we do hope everything good on ur side
    take care of urself

  7. #7
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    spinxxx....dont be afraid....what for? All those problems and failures you have had in the past made you a better , wiser and strong person now....So no good to be uncomfortable in facing the next chapter for what best is you know how to live out and confident to face life with smiles painted on your face.,,..k...........all here been waiting for your next update.......................(a happy one of course).

  8. #8
    Respected Member ca143's Avatar
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    spinxxx..... forget the past,face the present and challenge the future...

  9. #9
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Hi Sphinx, let me share this beautiful message to you.
    HOw do you get the best out of life:
    Face your past without regret,
    Handle your present with confidence,
    Prepare for the future without fear.
    Keep the faith and drop the fear.
    Don't believe your doubts and never
    doubt your beliefs.
    "Life is wonderful is you know how to live".
    Best of luck.....and take care......
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  10. #10
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    very good pieces from all of you! unending is still beautiful though, and i am still beautiful!!

    yessss!! i am free!

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    then why do you want to go back to the phils, how old is your child ?

  12. #12
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    yeah ! she will have a better life there in UK (your child)

  13. #13
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    spinx..why not go out for some party? enjoy yourself with any as you think that is best for you and your lil mini...I mean anything that occupy yourself to be busy and forget those damn life you had with your ex.. He aint nothing.....don't end up your life into a big one loser, fight your right not only as a wife, a mother but definitely as a human being that deserves to be really deserves to be happy , deserves to have an equal right, a life that everyone deserves to have ....its only you can make out of those and be happy instead of be a cry thing I for sure there is someone awaits you at the end of these battle...............A journey that really full of LIFE and smiles...............just be patient for now, it takes time to heal the wounds but remember a Life is nothing without those pain, it made us a better strong individual, its just a matter test of time how long and far you are capable to handle things without blaming anyone else NOR yourself, everything has its own reason and season for coming and going............Everyone has its own failures and different trials to face life...its only us person how to handle that God bestowed to us, its only HIM knows what is best for us whatever things happened recently...........cast it all to GOd........keep on praying that everything will be regrets, no surrender, everything falls right into just enjoy and be happy......LIFE is too short for you to keep all those pains, you are still beautiful after all ( he he he )

    okay spinx............ today, tomorrow you definitely have a happy ending............So be with us here and keep in touch................we will guide you all through out your way...................but not financially as we don't have any..(ha ha ha ) keep smiling mommy spinx.

  14. #14
    Respected Member Sangoma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sphinx View Post
    it's me sphinx again, thanks for those who shared their generous opinion in my previous posts
    this site helped me a lot for the decisions i made..
    once again..thanks to all who read and replied on my posts!
    I don't know your past, or what happened, but I did note people askin why you wanted to return to the Philippines, and saying that the UK would offer her more.

    I can only agree with this, I went through a difficult time in 2006 when my wif died. I would have gone back to South Africa in an instant if it wasn't for my daughter.

    We gave up everything we had built up over our lives to return to the UK so that my daughter could have options and opportunity in her life, to have returned would have wasted all we gave up.

    When times were hard, I thought it would be easy to go back, and be with friends and family, but I quickly realised that after seeing them all again, I would have to face the realities of life.

    I love the UK, it would have solved nothing in my case to leave.

    I was fortunate that I had a lot of support from the church, an my employer was fantastic. But at the same time, although I count myself as English, my whole working life until 2002 was spent outside England, and I did feel as if people did not think the same way as me, nice as people were, and nothing to do with them, in myself I did feel like a bit of an outsider. This was mainly me, and all that has passed, and I am so glad I stayed.
    Had I of left, it would have been impossible to ever come back again.

    Despite all the moans (and I can moan as well as the best!) this is still a great place to bring up kids to give them a chance of a good future.


    aseasyas at taneesha dot co dot uk

  15. #15
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Gather your strenght left and face whatever life reserves for you Sphinx.
    I would like to give you this advise:
    Plan your next move. Weigh things, if it's better to stay here or Phil. If you can stay here in UK, then it is also good for you as it will be much easier to find a job and settle yourself.
    Think of the things that will help you improve your skills and yourself as well.
    Socialise with others at work or in community.
    It is never easy to deal with things and problems alone, but I can garantee you that when everything cools off and bad moments are gone, and you are still there standing strong you will think to yourself 'geez, I did that'?

    'Which does not kill me, makes me stronger'

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  16. #16
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    it makes me cry reading those sincere advices from all of you, after all the world is still beautiful, still decorated with wonderful people like you guys, thanks for cheering me up..
    my daughter is 2 next month..
    looking back, i know and God knows i have been a good wife and a mother to Sam...maybe there are some people who doesnt seem to care if they are hurting you already, its very sad that the person who is doing this is my soon-to-be-exhusband, whom i chosed to share my life...the man who never treated me as a partner, i am just his wife that's why he never respected me at all!...
    i wont make this entry long, i might create a long, long, long lamentations in life where nobody would read bec. of the length...

    i remember, when Prometheus opened the Pandora's box...i know the last one that came out is HOPE

  17. #17
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    oh sorry, it was Pandora herself opened the box..Prometheus is Pandora's husband..(my Greek Mythology has come into oblivion)..cheers!

  18. #18
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Had me confused!
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  19. #19
    Respected Member Sangoma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sphinx View Post
    it makes me cry reading those sincere advices from all of you, after all the world is still beautiful, still decorated with wonderful people like you guys, thanks for cheering me up..
    my daughter is 2 next month..
    looking back, i know and God knows i have been a good wife and a mother to Sam...maybe there are some people who doesnt seem to care if they are hurting you already, its very sad that the person who is doing this is my soon-to-be-exhusband, whom i chosed to share my life...the man who never treated me as a partner, i am just his wife that's why he never respected me at all!...
    i wont make this entry long, i might create a long, long, long lamentations in life where nobody would read bec. of the length...

    i remember, when Prometheus opened the Pandora's box...i know the last one that came out is HOPE

    I think it is your soon to be ex who is losing.
    It seema that he does not appreciate the value of a partnership in life.

    Love is a two way thing, and it needs feeding.

    Good luck fr then future, I'm sure you will go from strength to strength very soon.


    aseasyas at taneesha dot co dot uk

  20. #20
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Hi Sphinx, If you are confused of what to choose whether to do this or to do that then weigh things carefully by listing the advantages and disadvantages of living in the UK or in the Phils. Though we are in pain for what had happend in our lives we still have to consider the future of the baby. Our pain is just temporary and will get through with it in His perfect time.
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sangoma View Post
    I don't know your past, or what happened, but I did note people askin why you wanted to return to the Philippines, and saying that the UK would offer her more.

    I love the UK, it would have solved nothing in my case to leave.
    This was mainly me, and all that has passed, and I am so glad I stayed.
    Had I of left, it would have been impossible to ever come back again.

    Despite all the moans (and I can moan as well as the best!) this is still a great place to bring up kids to give them a chance of a good future.

    aseasyas at taneesha dot co dot uk

    I wanted to qoute all your words but its too long cause i really agree on all

    you said ,hope she will enlighten her mind

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