Please can anyone help with a few queries regarding my wedding:-
1)Can i exchange my CNI in Cebu that i have got from my local office in the Uk?
2)Can i book my appointment to get my CNI in Cebu before i fly?
3)Can i book the judge/priest who will preform the wedding now or do i need to wait until i have waited 10 days?
You book when you apply for marriage licence
4)As time will be tight is it best to post the 10 days in Cebu or quickly fly to Davao to post them, as we will marry in Davao in september.
5)Could anyone help with where in Davao i can book the marriage guidence meeting?
6)Does my Fiancee need to change any paperwork in her embassey if so can this be done in Cebu?
Sorry if i have repeated any questions but i have looked alot at this site and mainly seen Manila is the place to go but i would prefer Cebu.
Thankyou from Stephen and Julieann