basically, the story so far....

Bert (Filipino) and I (Brit) met when we were both working overseas on cruise ships, we've been together for about 15 months now. First we spent about 3 months together on one ship, I went home then to another ship so we were apart for 5 months, then I went to venice to visit him on his ship for the weekend, then I joined the same ship as him again, spent another 3 months together then I came home again, just had a quick weekend visit in Venice again.

Now Bert goes back to the Phils at the beginning of June. We were thinking of applying for a fiance visa for him so he could come here and we cold get married and live happily ever after.

Question is, seeing as I have never been to the Philippines and he has never been to visit me in the Uk will this be a problem for his visa.
We have plenty of photos and letters and emails etc for proof of our relationship and can get some good testimonies too.

What you do experienced people think??

Thanks for your time