Pia and I met online on 30th August 2005. things progressed rapidly and swimmingly for a couple of months until I made a foolish decision which resulted in us not communicating for several months. It was not a fall-out at all just a foolish decision on my part.

Anyway, eventually He intervened and we met in person August 2006 and have never looked back.

The surprising thing is that Pia and i have never once had an argument or cross word with each other or a disagreement. the most we have had were the following three things:
  1. I told her I could not pursue our relationship for reasons I was too weak to contest
  2. I was insecure and lied about something I could easily have told her

Anyway, I soon cracked under the weight of the first decision and the way she handled the second left me in awe and confirmed her status as a biblical woman who can change her husband's heart through her conduct and not angry words.

We will fight at some point, its inevitable and we wonder what it is likely to be over the first time...money, kids, family remittances. The way we handle that initial fight will be a key determinant of how we will handle things in the future I guess.

The question
What were your first arguments/disagreements about when you were apart and what is the primary cause of friction now that you are living together in the UK? The TV remote control?