Hello All:

I'm an American male living and teaching in Hong Kong. I'm 48 years old, fit, and not bad looking I suppose. During a recent holiday in Cebu I met a 32-year-old filipina I'll call S. She is the mother of a young daughter. Where and how we met may be of some significance, but I'd rather focus on the person right now.

We went off for a week to a quiet island resort and had a great time together. Upon returning to Cebu, where she lives, I got to meet her family and her 7-year-old daughter. Their circumstances are not the best, as is often the case in the Philippines, but I felt that I fit right into her life while there. I was particularly affected by the little girl. On the occasions when we went out to eat or whatever, she would take my hand as we walked. It was around this time that S and I professed our love for each other. Understand that I'm not motivated by pity here. S has a real spark to her, a liveliness and sense of fun so different from the Chinese girls I've now. I really wanted this girl in my life.

The down side is that I'm suspicious and can't quite bring myself to trust S is because of her frequent requests for money for this or that necessary expense. Recently she asked for 3500 pesos and I wired her 8500. Her gratitude seemed sincere, but after not hearing from her for a few days, she told me last night that she had been robbed of both that money and her pay as she was making her way home in a jeepney late at night. Now today, it's money to pay the water bill and confirmation clothes for her daughter!

I understand that these girls have been conditioned by less-than-sincere foreigners, and I'm trying to make her understand that I'm a stand-up guy who might even be willing to marry her. Now that she is in my life, I'm willing to fight the good fight and work hard to understand her culture--and to make her understand that she has do the same for me so that we can meet halfway. She knows that I can give her a much better life, but she doesn't seem to understand that she is going to push me away if she keeps this up. How I've been putting it to her is this: I tell her with emphasis that love is trust, so I'll help her out.

Yes, there are types that you come across in some forums: the gold digger, the green card hunter. I refuse to believe that it's purely that she's after my money. We do have a good relationship otherwise.

So, I'd like to know from someone what cultural considerations there are, and where might the line be between being a fool and simply wanting to help. Finally, how to proceed with S? Is it tough love time?
