Hi good day to you all,
I have posted here once before. I will briefly explain my situation (sorry to those who know of it). I am a white British female (27) in a relationship with a filipino guy (31) who I met on a cruise ship. I was holidaying and he working. I have known him since just before xmas and have been out to see him twice since. We get on remarkably well.
However, I have a problem with the communication side of things as he refuses to use text messaging or email to keep in touch, preffering to call once or twice a week for an hour or so. This is great and i love hearing from him however he uses the excuse that he is 'too lazy' to text or email, as he does not get enough time, and also he is limited to money, as all his salary he sends home to the Philippines.
I also hasten to add he comes with baggage! He is married but currently separated (2 yrs ago) He has a daughter of 11. He is wanting an annulment but as everyone knows it is pricey and he can't at this stage afford anything near the fees.
He finishes his contract in September and he hopes to return to the Phils with the attention of successfully obtaining a working visa to the UK, so we can be together. ( but then after all he is married, so this proves another issue) If this fails, he plans to try Australia as he has a cousin there, I said i would folllow him.
My questions are:
Am I being too highly sensitive, demanding, dependant on him? By nagging him to sort out text messaging. He knows this is important to me as I miss him so much, and just a text a day or every other would go along way for me. Help to make me feel more secure and loved by him i guess!
I'm concerned I might be pushing him away as his calls are getting less and less frequent. I admit I am a nag!
Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Please help!
Thanks so much