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Thread: I cried!

  1. #1
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    I cried!

    Today has been a magic day for me.

    This evening, Father Terry allowed me, in his church, to lead prayers for all the children who have recently lost their lives in the typhoons and shootings/murders in the Philippines.

    I cried afterwards!


  2. #2
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    Because you really feel sorry for them seriously

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    was you that bad

    i'm sure you did well

    i saw on the news the other night, the poor kids in china, they have not seen their parents for more than a week, nor will they ever again

  4. #4
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    For all their faults - and don't get me wrong - I'm sure every country is the same - the Filipinos fiercely love and protect their children.

    When I spoke and led the prayers this evening, a PACKED church cried bitterly for children they did not know. It was this overwhelming love of CHILDREN that moved me to tears.

    God bless the Philippines.


  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    the Filipinos fiercely love and protect their children.

    God bless the Philippines.


    you only have to look at the misses and little joe

    dom, we will be dropping off little joe for a few weeks, kind of your misses to volunteer

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    dom, we will be dropping off little joe for a few weeks, kind of your misses to volunteer
    Only if your Mrs leaves a couple of gallons of valium for him with the bottle............

  7. #7
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    You know, in every nation they love or should love children. What really struck me recently and caused me to weep on numerous occasions has been the plight of families in China following the earth quake.

    I have recently been in China with my friends and their mixed kid, father Polish and mother Zimbabwean. I only raise their origins for the following reasons. In China particularly they are exceptionally particular about lighter complexions yet you should see the attention that my friend's son gets with people in Beijing. People hug him and kiss him on the street.

    We discussed it with some Chinese folks and of course we arrived at the fact that children are particularly precious to them due to the restrictions families had with regards to having them, i.e. mostly 1 per family. That's why they celebrate each child.

    It was with this in mind that I watched and read the horrific tales of couples who had only one precious child that was now gone. Often they were at an age where they could not have other children also. It just tore my heart out as parent after parent searched and waited as the hope of finding their children alive ebbed slowly away. Horrific photos of mothers laying next to the corpses of their dead children were just to horrible to describe. I could not stop the tears.

    So I know exactly how you felt Alan.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  8. #8
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    You know, in every nation they love or should love children. What really struck me recently and caused me to weep on numerous occasions has been the plight of families in China following the earth quake.

    I have recently been in China with my friends and their mixed kid, father Polish and mother Zimbabwean. I only raise their origins for the following reasons. In China particularly they are exceptionally particular about lighter complexions yet you should see the attention that my friend's son gets with people in Beijing. People hug him and kiss him on the street.

    We discussed it with some Chinese folks and of course we arrived at the fact that children are particularly precious to them due to the restrictions families had with regards to having them, i.e. mostly 1 per family. That's why they celebrate each child.

    It was with this in mind that I watched and read the horrific tales of couples who had only had one precious child that was now gone and were now not at an age where they could have another. It just tore my heart out as the parents searched and waited as their hope of finding their children alive ebbed slowly away. Horrific photos of mothers laying next to corpses of they children were just to horrible to describe. I could not stop the tears.

    So I know exactly how you felt Alan.

    This evening, Hanna and I were walking in Valencia and we had people coming up to us asking me to PREACH at their chapels this Sunday. I tried to explain that they did not need me - they just needed themselves!! They said that as I am a teacher I could show them how to be better Christians!!!!!!
    No way Jose!!!
    I do not want to go down that road.

    Just pray for your families - and keep the faith. I say that to everyone. Whilst you're doing that - bung in an extra prayer for Oldham Athletic for next season please.

    I CAN be serious - but not for long!!

    However, the plight of children in the Phils. - and indeed - all over the world - should be a priority for all of us - because the politicians will do ...... all!

    Hope I haven't overstepped my bounds with this post Keith.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    You know, in every nation they love or should love children. What really struck me recently and caused me to weep on numerous occasions has been the plight of families in China following the earth quake.

    I have recently been in China with my friends and their mixed kid, father Polish and mother Zimbabwean. I only raise their origins for the following reasons. In China particularly they are exceptionally particular about lighter complexions yet you should see the attention that my friend's son gets with people in Beijing. People hug him and kiss him on the street.

    We discussed it with some Chinese folks and of course we arrived at the fact that children are particularly precious to them due to the restrictions families had with regards to having them, i.e. mostly 1 per family. That's why they celebrate each child.

    It was with this in mind that I watched and read the horrific tales of couples who had only one precious child that was now gone. Often they were at an age where they could not have other children also. It just tore my heart out as parent after parent searched and waited as the hope of finding their children alive ebbed slowly away. Horrific photos of mothers laying next to the corpses of their dead children were just to horrible to describe. I could not stop the tears.

    So I know exactly how you felt Alan.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post

    This evening, Hanna and I were walking in Valencia and we had people coming up to us asking me to PREACH at their chapels this Sunday. I tried to explain that they did not need me - they just needed themselves!! They said that as I am a teacher I could show them how to be better Christians!!!!!!
    No way Jose!!!
    I do not want to go down that road.

    Just pray for your families - and keep the faith. I say that to everyone. Whilst you're doing that - bung in an extra prayer for Oldham Athletic for next season please.

    I CAN be serious - but not for long!!

    However, the plight of children in the Phils. - and indeed - all over the world - should be a priority for all of us - because the politicians will do ...... all!

    Hope I haven't overstepped my bounds with this post Keith.

    Very impressed, thanks to the both of you.

    On the same token we cannot afford anymore mistakes like this......

  10. #10
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post

    This evening, Hanna and I were walking in Valencia and we had people coming up to us asking me to PREACH at their chapels this Sunday. I tried to explain that they did not need me - they just needed themselves!! They said that as I am a teacher I could show them how to be better Christians!!!!!!
    No way Jose!!!
    I do not want to go down that road.
    I think its great that others feel that you can help them to be better Christians. The route to being a better Christian, I believe, is in developing a personal relationship with God. God is our loving father. If we want to be more like our father we can do this best through talking with him and taking instruction from him directly. They should perhaps become more familar with His word and then learn to apply it under His loving supervision.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  11. #11
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Very impressed, thanks to the both of you.

    On the same token we cannot afford anymore mistakes like this......
    Absolutely astonishing. Words cannot do it justice!
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    For all their faults - and don't get me wrong - I'm sure every country is the same - the Filipinos fiercely love and protect their children.

    When I spoke and led the prayers this evening, a PACKED church cried bitterly for children they did not know. It was this overwhelming love of CHILDREN that moved me to tears.

    God bless the Philippines.

    I'm not religious Al, but the love of children in Phils gets me every time. In fact, the overwhelming sense of love in the Phils is sometimes more than I think I can take........but I WANT to keep taking it

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I love children.....can't eat a whole on though.....
    Keith - Administrator

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