Hello again to you all,
Right, i`ve had a chance to ponder the first round of answers, have a little think and here I am.
It wasnt really the news I wanted to hear but i`m realist and its better to carry on with my eyes wide open than adopt the ostrich route.
I appreciate all that has been said about the fiancee visa, that its the 'one', and is the best option to go for with the best chance of success but with the key factor being that we should really have at least a years worth of history b4 going for it.
Hence this is not really an option for us at the mo.
Also noted comments about applying in Singapore, which may be an option if all else fails in PI
But lets cross that bridge if it comes to it
Also duely noted comments about waiting for that year to pass etc etc
But the truth is thats hard to take, its bad enough as it is already.
I`ve never had a relationship like that before and neither has she and frankly the prospect of just seing each other twice in the next 8 months is not good.
Maybe if the relationship had started long distance, or we had a bit of previous experience like that, but its hard to take when things started face 2 face and we really thought it would just be a formality for her to come here.
Plus i`ve already spanked this years holidays allocation and dont have many days left.
I`m not genna tell her the general consensus just yet coz she is down enough about going home as it is.
Yes, she wants to see her mum, but after living in Sing for so long she really doesnt wanna be in the PI (see learning already) for too long.
She is very independant and had lots of freedom from her employers and is used to the city life in Sing so after two weeks or so in PI I know she will be going crazy.
(without her coffee shops and digital tv and not meeting the girls for drinks)
You see, her life has been in Sing for so long that that is where all her friends are, that is where she considers home.
The main reason she decided to go home after her contract ended was because we thought that she could come here without much bother (we were naive, i know this now) and also because being the little sweet heart that she is she didnt want to get a new job and accept a new contract knowing that she would be leaving shortly afterwards. (bless her)
Its messy I know.
But we honestly had no idea of the problems we are now facing.
So i'd just like someone to clarify something for me
If we apply for a tourist visa and its refused will this have any bearing on a future fianceé visa or even an application from another country, i.e. Singapore?
For the sake of the 50 quid its genna cost i`m thinking its worth a try, its just dependant on whether it affects future applications or not.
If thats the case then its worth a try whether we get bumped or not.
Answers on a postcard please
Oh and enjoy the world cup boys.... come on England
I`m sure you guys from the other home nations will be giving us your support [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif[/img]