Hello and good morning guys and girls,

Yes we are genna give it a try, my little bros just been here for 10 days (world cup) so I`ve just given him all the paperwork to take back and give to her.

That way I know it will get there safely and in one piece.

2 copies of everything and anything relating to me, plus 2 blank apps and also a test application completed by me so she can use that for reference while filling in the real one.
A checklist and just some general info sheets too.

All in nice individual plastic folders and topped off in a lovely yellow plastic wallet, which should all add to making a good impression. [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif[/img]
The beauty of the office stationary department &#33;&#33; [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif[/img]

Plus birthday card & gift (cheaper than DHL)

So all she needs to provide is her paperwork relating to her.

Also her ex employers in Singapore are willing to provide her with a formal offer of employment for when she returns (in theory), for example 2/3 months after application date, so along with her assets in the PI and my situation and this offer of employment in Singapore for when she theoretically returns hopefully we just might get lucky.

I have a quick question though,

Savings, any ideas if their is minimum limit they expect someone to have?
Or is it just the more the better.
As mentioned previously she has some, but I could always buff them up if you think it might help.

Well my bro should arrive back 2day and she can pick up the p/work later on, then she&#39;s off home in just over two weeks. Another week or two to acclimatise and get her things in order then she is genna apply.
However, she has some American friends in sing who are genna sit down with her and go over the application too before she leaves for the PI.

So hopefully all the paperwork will be 200% correct by the time she touches down in Manila plus I have written a covering letter briefly outlining the circumstances and included my contact details should they wish to contact me.

Also we have also established that within the last three years she applied for and successfully received a tourist visa to Australia (so yet further evidence that she has previously visited a commonwealth country as a tourist and has exited as required)

So all in all I think we have a good case to put to them and I just hope that we get someone who is fair and just to make the decision.
If not then, I&#96;m coming to Manila all guns blazing &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cwm23.gif[/img]

I will keep you posted though party people &#33;