well for me i prefer to have both which it doesn't mean you have to go more over with your career NOR to forget your loved ones. It has to be an equal balance of handling things. Yeah as it depends as well of two both, for instance your husband prefer you to stay home and let him do all the job works..well...thats fine if he has lots to look after you good that which no need for you to look for one, on the other hand eventhough still we girls do loved to work as its one of so many ways as well to cope up the loneliness that real drives us crazy to stay home all day/nite. So with that its only between the couple on how they are going to manage that sort of circumstances as both has its own reason. Whatever is best and easiest for both then go for it. Its just need a balance of understanding and respect in order to come up with the good outcomes without feeling sorry to the other party.

But ye of course you have to set a time for your husband/family and always put them on top of your priority...