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Thread: indefinite leave to remain

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  1. #1
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    Smile indefinite leave to remain

    Good morning all,

    I have been in Cyprus for a month so only now i am catching up with every ones news.
    Congrats to all those who got their visas granted and good luck to every one waiting.

    While i was in Cyprus my asawa went back to the Philippines to bring my 10 year old step daughter to the UK, yep she got her visa after 3months and 2weeks.

    4 hours after i sent 75 emails to the embassy in a morning rant, one after another i recieved an email from them that the documents had been dispatched,
    Coincidence or what ??

    Now i have stereo philippina , i must be crazy ha ha my ears hurt now.

    Now i need some advice please

    Ind leave application will be made in in 6 months for my wife and from what i can see she must do the life uk test and have a qualification in english .

    If not she applies for an extension to remain, correct ?????

    Does anyone know the minimum english course requirement name.

  2. #2
    Respected Member 5olidsnake's Avatar
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    i think the requirements are life in uk test (if your wifes english is above ESOL Entry 3 level)


    an approved ESOL qualification through taking a course
    which includes citizenship materials “Skills for Life” qualification in speaking and listening at Entry Level (if your wifes english is below ESOL Entry 3 level)

    two ESOL Units at Access Level under the Scottish Credit
    and Qualifications Framework approved by the Scottish
    Qualifications Authority.
    (if you live in Scotland)

    If you have not reached ESOL Entry Level 3 standard, the evidence of your ESOL qualification will need to include a letter from the
    college confirming that you have progressed by at least one level from the level at which you started, and that the course included
    citizenship materials.

    the ESOL courses are 1 year, so your asawa doesn't have time to take a course.

    hope im correct


  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    your wife can apply for ILR in 6 months ??

    yes i think your wife is too late to take the course, and finding a course may not be that easy..

    only 2 things you can do now i think, is buy her the life in uk book, only 5 chapters to read, if i remember correctly, start reading when she's back in uk, go on some websites which have sample tests, and asap put her in for the test, max 1 or 2 months time, and is she fails, it gives her time to attempt it a few more times, so not as much pressure, worth risking £34 until she passes, instead of spending £500 on FLR and the form filling and evidence gathering

    or if she cannot pass then she will have to apply for FLR, something you really don't want to do, waste of time and money

    have a look on ebay, you can buy books with just the chapters 2-6 your wife needs to study in 160pages in paperback, and a test cd for around £7

    of course there are others around and on ebay, and i'm not recommending this, as i've never seen the product, but i bought something similar to this, and the wife and stepson both passed the test first time within 3wks but that was when you only needed to read 3 chapters of it.

  4. #4
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    Smile Leave To Remain

    thanks for the information JOE BLOGGS and everyone else.

    my main problem is that i think that my wifes english is good , all the family and nieghbours have long conversations with her and have no real problems , my wife sometimes does not understand things like "doing my head in " or" rabbiting on" but this is not english language.
    she has no problem in her work also.

    so what is the bench mark for acceptable english and how would you prove it.

    regards john

  5. #5
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by john sergison View Post
    thanks for the information JOE BLOGGS and everyone else.

    my main problem is that i think that my wifes english is good , all the family and nieghbours have long conversations with her and have no real problems , my wife sometimes does not understand things like "doing my head in " or" rabbiting on" but this is not english language.
    she has no problem in her work also.

    so what is the bench mark for acceptable english and how would you prove it.

    regards john
    When it comes to the "Life in the UK" test, it doesn't really matter how good your wife's english is as the majority of the test consists of questions that most Brits would be hard pressed to answer and I think most Brits would agree that they are totally irellevent to real life in the UK as we know it. If you don't believe me, just go online and look at some of the sample questions.


  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by john sergison View Post
    thanks for the information JOE BLOGGS and everyone else.

    my main problem is that i think that my wifes english is good , all the family and nieghbours have long conversations with her and have no real problems , my wife sometimes does not understand things like "doing my head in " or" rabbiting on" but this is not english language.
    she has no problem in her work also.

    so what is the bench mark for acceptable english and how would you prove it.

    regards john
    as long as she can read English, then she should be able to pass the test, it's multi choice, so it's a matter of remembering facts and figures,so the answer will be in front of her

    your wife proves it by passing the test. most filipino's i would expect to pass the first time or within a few attempts

  7. #7
    Respected Member 5olidsnake's Avatar
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  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Im sure if someone could navigate round say this website or similar they have the skills to use the screen to answer the questions on the exam.

    Ie point the cursor, read and click.

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