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Thread: support letter from landlady

  1. #1
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    support letter from landlady

    My hubby received an email from her landlady already stating how long he's been staying there, his rent, etc. But in her letter she didn't mention anything that she is allowing me to live there together with my husband. SHould my husband ask for another letter stating that she is allowing me to live there? Should the letter be signed by the landlady? Or is that email enough already and just have it printed?

  2. #2
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    I think it would be better to have a letter detailing everying you need it to, including permission to let you live there. Better to have it signed also.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Rented accommodation If the accommodation is privately rented, the sponsor should submit a letter from the landlord that confirms both the size of the property and his agreement that an additional occupant may take up residence there. The sponsor should also include a copy of the tenancy agreement, and the tenancy agreement should have at least six months remaining until its expiry.

    so to minimize refusal, the letter should be signed

  4. #4
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    When I asked for a letter from my landlord the following things were I asked him to emphasize (aside from the tenancy agreement i submitted):

    Letter from the Landlord addressed to the Entry Clearance Officer - Manila with the following details:
    1. No. of bedrooms in the house and if the whole house is solely occupied by the sponsor or not
    2. Rent Amount
    3. From/To date of lease
    4. Statement in the letter that husband/wife & children are permitted to stay in the said property...

    Better submit a letter which is accurate and complete to avoid inconvenience. My family was granted a visa October last year in just 6 days after submission because I was really very keen to these tiny details.

    I was communicating then to a Letting Agent in behalf of my landlord so they were able to sign the letter. Signature from the landlady is better if I were to ask.

  5. #5
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    Thanks Piamed and joebloggs.

    we are planning to move to another house when I get there. Well, he is planning to move house by July to his friend's house. It is a lot cheaper and bigger than his current flat. Would there be any problems if ever he will move in to the new house by July and after I've submitted my visa application (planning to pass my app by 2nd week of June). Should he include that in his sponsorhip letter as well? Should be also include his new contract with the new house and acquire a permission from his new landlady? He wants to know if this would be OK or would have an effect on my application. He ofcourse doesn't want me to get denied but he doesn't want to let go of this new flat because it is cheaper, bigger and far better than his current flat.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAMZ View Post
    Better submit a letter which is accurate and complete to avoid inconvenience. My family was granted a visa October last year in just 6 days after submission because I was really very keen to these tiny details
    it sure helps to send as much useful evidence as possible , but thats not the only reason you got your visa in 6 days, it depends on the length of the queue, time of the year, the person dealing with the app, and if the embassy are using your app to swat flies with

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet_cookie08 View Post
    Thanks Piamed and joebloggs.

    we are planning to move to another house when I get there. Well, he is planning to move house by July to his friend's house. It is a lot cheaper and bigger than his current flat. Would there be any problems if ever he will move in to the new house by July and after I've submitted my visa application (planning to pass my app by 2nd week of June). Should he include that in his sponsorhip letter as well? Should be also include his new contract with the new house and acquire a permission from his new landlady? He wants to know if this would be OK or would have an effect on my application. He ofcourse doesn't want me to get denied but he doesn't want to let go of this new flat because it is cheaper, bigger and far better than his current flat.

    if i was you i would wait til you have the visa, the embassy might contact his landlord, and he might tell them your husband no longer lives there

    so use the KISS principle (acronym for "Keep It Simple, Stupid") states that design simplicity should be a key goal and unnecessary complexity avoided

    you might confuse the case worker, remember they are the simple ones

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    Hehe... Yes, my husband never experienced a long queue because we made an appointment via email 3 days before the submission and he got the earliest slot. But he witnessed a long queue after him so it really depends on how you manage your time and the strategy as well plus the big factor - the contents and accuracy of your documents.

    With re to transferring of flat to your husband's friend's house, will this be a shared flat? If not, you will be fine and ok to discuss it with the ECO but if shared, for me it will make things bit complex. More things need to be supported, I guess... But the safest thing to this is to submit an evidence of accommodation with at least 6 months allowance. I have read that before somewhere here and it makes sense because it's hard that you grant one a visa today and tomorrow the applicant will no longer have a sure accommodation.

    Before my family applied for visa, I waited for my time to move in first in another property. Before, I was sharing with a friend but I thought that it would make things easier if I move to a flat which my family will solely use because it's a good evidence that you can support your family on your own - that you have the capacity to provide them comfy life without sharing accommodation with others... But I am not saying you should not share, for many applicants share in one house. I am just laying down my thoughts when i was sponsoring my family that time. My mind was only focused that time on the things what I could strongly present to the ECO as if no one could ever help in everything esp. financially when my family is here...

  9. #9
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    thanks Jamz

    oh, so we should really wait for 6 months after me getting there before we could transfer to a new house? it's not a shared house, his friend owns it and they got a new house and would have their old house rented. my hubby said it is a lot cheaper and bigger and I think, his friend is just giving him until AUgust of this year to transfer or else they will give it to others. :( My hubby really wants to transfer to that flat because it will be good for us, space wise and financially as well since it will be more a lot cheaper but will have 2 bedrooms.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet_cookie08 View Post
    thanks Jamz

    oh, so we should really wait for 6 months after me getting there before we could transfer to a new house? it's not a shared house, his friend owns it and they got a new house and would have their old house rented. my hubby said it is a lot cheaper and bigger and I think, his friend is just giving him until AUgust of this year to transfer or else they will give it to others. :( My hubby really wants to transfer to that flat because it will be good for us, space wise and financially as well since it will be more a lot cheaper but will have 2 bedrooms.
    Can't he move in to the new property now or say early next month? so that what you will submit in the Embassy is still hot and fresh and might be more will make things easier and free from ECO's confusion that will lead to questions and interview.

    Or if the property is unavailable until July, maybe you can provide a letter of confirmation / reservation from your hubby's friend that you have agreed to move in by July but to be honest this situation makes simple things bit complex.

  11. #11
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    I think he can, but we are just worried about his billings, like his address to his bank statements, phone bills, etc. there would be discrepancies with the address of his previous documents with his new address if he is going to move in early next week. what is the best thing to do? please help us....

  12. #12
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    Just mention in the sponsorship letter under the ACCOMMODATION part the current status and the future plan of moving to a more comfortable and bigger flat but dont mention anymore that because it's much cheaper because it's his friend's house. It's like giving the reader an idea the sponsor's goal or plan about your accommodation and the plan of providing you a comfy abode... HOWEVER to be honest I am not in an excellent position to advice and decide as I have never been in this situation...It's just that if I were you...

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet_cookie08 View Post
    thanks Jamz

    oh, so we should really wait for 6 months after me getting there before we could transfer to a new house? it's not a shared house, his friend owns it and they got a new house and would have their old house rented. my hubby said it is a lot cheaper and bigger and I think, his friend is just giving him until AUgust of this year to transfer or else they will give it to others. :( My hubby really wants to transfer to that flat because it will be good for us, space wise and financially as well since it will be more a lot cheaper but will have 2 bedrooms.
    if i was him, i would move once you get your visa from the embassy in manila, why would you wait 6 months
    the day you have your passport and visa, he should move out..

  14. #14
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    if i was him, i would move once you get your visa from the embassy in manila, why would you wait 6 months
    the day you have your passport and visa, he should move out..
    I'm a bit confused joebloggs.

    in your earlier post, you stated this

    The sponsor should also include a copy of the tenancy agreement, and the tenancy agreement should have at least six months remaining until its expiry.

    and you just mentioned that he can move out the day I will have my passport and visa. isnt that contradicting?

    we are confused on whether to move or not please enlighten us..

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i see
    why how long is left on his tenancy agreement

  16. #16
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i see
    why how long is left on his tenancy agreement

    My hubby said that what he got is the usual tenacy contract. It is renewable every year i think.

  17. #17
    Respected Member chino's Avatar
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    yes a standard tenancy agreement is renewal able every year though most people don't renew it... have it copied along with the plans for the future plus a copy of the letter from and the landlord.

  18. #18
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet_cookie08 View Post
    My hubby said that what he got is the usual tenacy contract. It is renewable every year i think.
    well how much time left before he has to renew the contract, is it less than 6 months

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