Quote Originally Posted by SephEan View Post
Amigo Piamed!! first im sorry for being late to greet you, Be-lated 5th month anniversary, wish you both strong relationship and may God continue to blessed you with more strength specially in times like this, being far away from each other and waiting for the visa. Second, thanks so much for being happy for me, i can't wait to hear the good news from you.. Goodluck and im sure yours is on the way soon...
Wala problema amiga (No problem)! Thank you also for your greeting and nice wishes. We are really praying to have good news for you guys soon. I'm happy you will soon be a wife to your husband again.

As I understand it Day 1 of the 28 days joebloggs mentioned begin the day your visa is dated. Arriving later than 28 days means that you will have to get a FLR as opoosed to ILR. That is least desirable.

An entitlement to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) will arise after you have been in the UK after two years of being in the UK on the basis of your marriage. New requirements for ILR applicants to have a knowledge of language and life in the UK were introduced on 2 April 2007. To satisfy these requirements, it is necessary to take a test, the 'Life in the UK' test in English or to undertake an accredited course in English as Second Language (ESOL) which is taught using materials about citizenship and life in the UK.

The challenge is that you can only apply for your ILR after you have been here 2 years but before the Spousal period expires otherwise you will be an overstayer and then may have to return to da Phils and start the process of being here all over again.

An application for Further Leave to Remain (FLR) will allow you to extend your stay in the United Kingdom (UK) by a fixed period. Once FLR is approved, a new stamp will be added in your passport granting you Further Leave to Remain in the UK for the approved period.

God bless you!