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Thread: daughter in law

  1. #1
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    daughter in law

    can someone please tell me how my son can get his filipino wife they married in january this year over to live with us he is divorsed and he and his 2 year old son llive with myself and my husband we have lived in our house for 20 years and have had an extention on the house to accomadate my son and his family as he is not in a possition finacially to get his own property he is self employed and has to look after his son his wife in manilla is not currently working we can help him with the viza fee but he can not proove he has savings etc

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you maybe able to sponsor him for accommodation, but it's at the discretion of the case worker, but it would probably be allowed, as long as the house is not over crowded with his wife moving in.

    but 3rd party financial support is not allowed, so no finanical support from you.

    if he cannot show he has savings, then how can he support his wife 'without recourse to public funds' ???

  3. #3
    Respected Member SephEan's Avatar
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    Hi! I just got my visa and my hubby and i are going to stay at my inlaws' place. When i applied for the visa, i didn't mention there that my inlaws are living with lodger. A family, consists of 2 kids and the parents. Anyway just make a good letter and description of the house, size and nos. of the room are very important.Also attached a mortgage or any evidence that you own/renting the place.I also provide the pictures of the house with my husband by it, maybe it helped my application.

    Financial support should be provided by the husband not by anyone else. It is the major factor that they looking at. He should show a healthy savings. If not the application might not go well or surely will be turn down.

  4. #4
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Hello Janet,

    Welcome to the forum, your son is typical of cases that come to the forum to be helped, technically from what I can see, he has few problems, he is self employed, in itself that does not represent a problem.

    He would need to show adequate income with which to support his new wife in the UK, yes he can be accomodated with you, provided you provide a supporting letter of consent to his new wife living with you.

    If you need any help in preparing your son's case to the British Embassy, have a look at my own visa advisory website, at
    Have your son read the web site, get some ideas as to how visa decisions are made, another useful tool for your son could be to provide an excel work sheet of his income and outgoings, although not required, my sources tell me at Immigration Advisory centre in London that excel worksheets actually go along way to showing Entry clearance officers whether someone can support a foreign national in the UK without them having to guess and make arbitrary decisions on little information.

    Best of Luck, With your research, most of your questions have been 100 per cent asked before you can use the search function here at the forum.

  5. #5
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Hi Janet and welcome to the forum,
    Your son could borrow some money, 2 or 3 thousand and put it in his bank account, then when he's got 6 months worth of statements with hopefully additional savings added during the 6 months into the account, I think he would be OK. They only require 6 months worth of bank statements and as long as he had the 6 monthly statements after the month in which the loaned money was paid in, they wouldn't know the money had been borrowed.

  6. #6
    Respected Member paulgee's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum Janet, best wishes to you, hope all works out..


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