Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
if it was common, i don't think i remember reading about a filipina cheating on her brit husband b4 with a filipino guy on this forum b4, scouser keith will have a better idea, maybe the british husband has never found out, or it has never happened, or the brit guy doesn't want to tell a public forum
not only with a brit husbands joebloggs but also to other nationality...coz as u notice, lots of filipinas are already married to foriegners... theres even a filipina here in my place who's married to a foriegner and was been pregnant to the friend of her husband which is also a foriegner.coz here our place, the foriegners here have a group which they have a weekly meeting and gatherings in VJ's resto and bar.mostly who attend there are those foriegner who have a filipina wife.they just went there for a drinks and chats...but my husband dont like to attend in that gathering coz mostly americans went there to boast and act like they own the world.