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Hey Ritter,
Joe is right, there are many reasons for her behaviour, but what I am quite proud of mate is your attitude, you have a nice daughter, you love the wife, and as Joe says, walking away, or kicking her out are easy peices of advice to give.
I am sure you don't want that, there is no embarassment on your part mate, that your wife has a fling with a Filipino, I know it may feel somewhat embarassing, but the fact that you wer able to talk about it, tells me that you can deal with it.
It hurts that is true, but as others have said, its easy to give advice to walk away, get rid of her, dump her, but you love her, I think in time you will get over it, and in the short term you will be talking to her, to try and resolve it, and again, you have a small child to consider, and consider this, if you do break up over this, she will no doubt have the child, you have to consider that, do you want to break up the family, I think you sound a nice guy who will take a calm view, you have done well mate, quite proud of you really.
Don't Hit her mate, whats the point ? anyway, hitting her won't sort this one out, be firm and tell her, that if you find any more instances of her contacting this Filipino, or it happens again, you will give HIM !!!!!! SOME HOSPITAL TREATMENT FREE WITHOUT NEED FOR NHS.
Just tell her plainly, that intensive care in the NHS is not what its cracked up to be these days, what with MRSA and other things.
She is your wife, the women you love, look after her, its a mistake, time is a great healer mate, and in time, it will heal, best of luck with it.