Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
Same the other way round also

I see many Men and Women married or in relationships they truely dont deserve to be in either due to they are to good for their partner or the partner doesn't deserve to be with such a lowlife human being.

Like i would say to one of our new members who asking why she doesn't have a Boyfriend.

Dont have a partner just because you feel you should, do the right thing for yourself.

I agree AndyPaul, it took me years to find the right soul for me.

As for experience of being betrayed. Yes, I have experienced it, I know how it devastate a person, I know how it feels when your heart is tearing apart, pieces by pieces...flesh after flesh. Until you look at yourself with horror in the mirror, and feel nothing; numbness and total lost...I've been through it all alone with two daughters to look at, no money and nowhere to go; when I look back I feel so good to myself for what I have done and what I achieved. No regrets, I would have done the same thing if I go back with time.