I started, so I'll finish...Here are the details about completing FLR for husband and wife with no dependent children.

  • Download and print form FLR(M) from here (currently Version 06/2006)
  • Read the notes on the form and make sure that you understand it! It is quite straightforward really.
  • Make sure you have current and savings account statements that are as up-to-date as possible. If not, then order them - it should take only a few days.
  • Fill in the form! Don't forget that both must sign and date it.
  • You will need 2 current pics of the wife and one of the husband: make sure they conform to the standards specified on the form, and have the name written on the back. It says these should be attached to the form in the spaces provided; unfortunately, there are spaces provided for only one of the wife and one of the husband... What we did was to attach one of each into the spaces by pasting the top half of each pic, such that the name on the back could be seen by lifting the bottom of the pic should they desire to do so. The second pic of the wife was attached to the top of page 8 using a paper-clip.
  • Documentation that we provided was: 2 passports, Marriage Certificate, current account statement for April-August 2006, savings account statements covering the last 6 months, salary slips for April-July 2006 plus P60 for 2005-2006. We placed all of these into a plastic wallet. Note that these should all be original documents!
  • Place form (with cheque attached if that is how you are paying), and docs into a suitable envelope, addressed to the Durham address indicated on the form. For peace of mind, we sent the package via Special Delivery. (We also included a pre-paid Special Delivery return envelope, but that was a waste of money: they returned the passports and docs in their own plastic Recorded Delivery envelope...)

08Aug application posted
10Aug payment taken from account
15Aug received letter saying application was being processed
23Aug received FLR

So... all in all, quite quick and painless.. apart from a dent in the bank account