OK, it's time to start sorting out the FLR, and I want to be clear about what I'm doing! Mel's Fiancee visa expires in September, so no great rush, but I don't yet have a clear picture of the whole process in my head.
From what I have gathered so far, the recommended way is to (1) get her passport changed to her married name (2) apply for FLR. Pretty straightforward![]()
Of course, not living in/near London means we have to think of the best way of doing these regarding convenience, speed and cost! Would it make any sense to try and do both during one stay in London? I'm thinking that we could get the passport changed on day 1, apply for FLR on day 2; then hang around for a few days as touroids.... Is that feasible? Or stupidly optimistic? Presumably we would have to book appointments for one or both embassy visits? How much notice are they likely to want? Failing that, I guess we should do one or more applications through the post, but Mel does want to have a look at London, and it'd be nice if we could combine these applications with the visit.
Can we rely on the list of documents that both require according to the websites, or are there any "hidden" requirements like when applying for a Settlement visa?
So... passport amendment... According to the embassy website they need rather a lot of photos and photocopies, but no problem. What's new to me is paragraph 7:
"Three (3) completed Report of Marriage Form (see Forms) which are available at the Embassy and at the Embassy website. If the marriage had been solemnized for more than a year, there is an additional fee of £18 for late registration"
What's confusing me about this is that at the bottom of the form it says "This marriage was today registered at the Embassy under No. _____________________ of the Civil Entry Record Book." and is to be signed by an embassy officer: do we fill in 3 separate copies of the form by hand, and then the embassy sign them when we apply? And does this cost £18 in all cases, with an additional £18 for later registrations?
And FLR... I can't seem to find the list of legal and documentary requirements now on the Home Office site! Or is all that contained in the FLR(M) application form? Marriage certificate, passports, bank/savings statements... Is anything else required, like proof that Mel lives with me (medical card, Council Tax bill, utility bills perhaps)?
All useful input welcomed! And is there anyone here who has recently been through the process of converting a Fiancee visa to FLR?
Ivor and Mel