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Thread: Another filipina to be proud of..........

  1. #61
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Personally i thought the runners up are the best but then i see one of them on the train up to london now and then.

    One thing about the matie who won with his dancing which was good but im no expert on dancing so don't shoot me. Was he was a good example to children, last year he failed not quite good enough so he kept on and came back and impressed the judges, he busked and did his dancing to pay for his training.

    While many people moan about the young today blah blah he got off his backside and did something which deserves a pat on the back.

    The Phill lady singer was only there for the sob story sorry folks she wasn't that good and had little stage presence.

    The charlie green was very good and i only saw his semi final performance with the poorer song and he had charisma and talent. but if he is like the other lad he will be back next year and far better.

    Having overheard convos of the Adminy people from the production staff chatting with the contestants on the phone they control a lot more than they let on. Why did they stop most from doing a new set oh because the winner had a problem with his new arrangement if the whisper i heard is right. So most did a replay of something the audience had already seen.

    they just wanna your telly on the channel for the ads and for you to phone in your votes.

  2. #62
    Respected Member SephEan's Avatar
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    wow!! i cried!! very touching..

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by angel1231 View Post
    what she did in stage trying to tell her story makes me puke ...and put my counrty into shame ..she jgot a average voice which u can find it in the philippines ..i dont think she got that amazing voice. but hey gudluck to her every one try to to do something for the best ....
    I agree with Aposhark... she got my vote too

    This is British TV at it's best (or worst depending how you look at). The whole thing was staged for a sympathy vote... right from the opening introduction. Some very slick editing... every camera shot showed someone moved emotionally. Even the song was chosen for it's emotional impact with the big punch in the middle to stir the audience. You can picture the sound engineer pushing all the levers forward when she went up a gear.

    Don't blame the girl... blame the producers

  4. #64
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    why is everybody slating her?

    she just misses her kids and family,i say good luck to her!

    ok so she cant sing but many of the finalist were'nt very good.

    it just shows you how thick the voters are,look who got into the last 3.

    btw the belly dancer got my vote!

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    why is everybody slating her?

    she just misses her kids and family,i say good luck to her!

    ok so she cant sing but many of the finalist were'nt very good.

    it just shows you how thick the voters are,look who got into the last 3.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomm View Post
    I agree with Aposhark... she got my vote too

    This is British TV at it's best (or worst depending how you look at). The whole thing was staged for a sympathy vote... right from the opening introduction. Some very slick editing... every camera shot showed someone moved emotionally. Even the song was chosen for it's emotional impact with the big punch in the middle to stir the audience. You can picture the sound engineer pushing all the levers forward when she went up a gear.

    Don't blame the girl... blame the producers

  7. #67
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    why is everybody slating her?

    she just misses her kids and family,i say good luck to her!

    ok so she cant sing but many of the finalist were'nt very good.

    it just shows you how thick the voters are,look who got into the last 3.

    btw the belly dancer got my vote!
    i saw a clip of her i think she has two votes now

  8. #68
    Respected Member patti1227's Avatar
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    Thank you so much for the informations about GBT. I've been browsing youtube but can't seem to find a good video. Now, I have a clearer picture of the contest and so with Madonna Decena and Charlie Green. Thank you guys and gals!

  9. #69
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    awww been busy for the past few days...thread still alive

  10. #70
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jedc143 View Post
    awww been busy for the past few days...thread still alive
    Becoz we do love talent search and chikachika

  11. #71
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    funny,she keep giving me red points 2 red points from her already hahaha hoping shes not pregnant as she is very angry to me keep giving me red points...heck not gonna lessen my money anyway

  12. #72
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jedc143 View Post
    funny,she keep giving me red points 2 red points from her already hahaha hoping shes not pregnant as she is very angry to me keep giving me red points...heck not gonna lessen my money anyway
    Actually....The person giving you neg Rep is not who you think it is, so you are making a bit of a fool of yourself.
    Keith - Administrator

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