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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    many web sites are done where labour is cheaper, the old eastern block countries, also czech republic, india etc.. if the work can be done remotely your job is not safe

    at least net admin/ tech support, some of it can be done remotely, but not all of it, so your job is a bit more secure.

    my 2p worth

  2. #2
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    Now that's a good insight maybe I'll just go ahead with my plans of taking MCP credentials then to be fully competative......I am planning to take my exam in the Phil early next year as the cost of the exam and the training is cheaper there....thanks a lot mate

  3. #3
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    Nice insights joebloggs....I guess I have to continue my plans of getting certifications to be more competative then...I am planning to take a MCP certification soon, but I guess I have to do it in the Phil when I take my holiday so it would be cheaper

    good advice man......thanks

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by giants View Post
    Nice insights joebloggs....I guess I have to continue my plans of getting certifications to be more competative then...I am planning to take a MCP certification soon, but I guess I have to do it in the Phil when I take my holiday so it would be cheaper

    good advice man......thanks

    Hi Giants what MCP/s you hoping to take?

    Keep an eye on the latest rulings for examtaking in phill as in India and China i think it is, only nationals can take the exam they may role it out further you never know.

    People on here might know

    Certainly cheaper only 40 quid or so per exam i wonder if vouchers work over there before you know it they be paying you.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Hi Giants what MCP/s you hoping to take?

    Keep and idea on the latest rulings in India and China i think it is, only nationals can take the exam they may role it out further you never know.

    People on here might know

    Certainly cheaper only 40 quid or so per exam i wonder if vouchers work over there before you know it they be paying you.
    What do you I mean? I am not allowed to take the exams? Please explain it further.


  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by giants View Post
    What do you I mean? I am not allowed to take the exams? Please explain it further.


    Whoops was possibly distracted by the tv or something when typing.

    I meant keep an eye on the latest policy for taking exams as you may or may not know when you go to book exams for mcp it warns you only indian and chinese nationals can take the exams in those respective countries.
    I would not be suprised if they rolled it out to other countries.

    Due to people taking exams on peoples behalf etc.

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    what m/s one is worth taking andy ?

    vista looks like a dead duck, was thinking of the l8st server one ?

  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    what m/s one is worth taking andy ?

    vista looks like a dead duck, was thinking of the l8st server one ?
    Servers me thinks

    I still think the server client industry gonna go big time with engery prices to go even more loopy

  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    many web sites are done where labour is cheaper, the old eastern block countries, also czech republic, india etc.. if the work can be done remotely your job is not safe

    at least net admin/ tech support, some of it can be done remotely, but not all of it, so your job is a bit more secure.

    my 2p worth

    Only the actual hardware side.

    Can think of several companies using both indian and phill staff who will do all the actual admin work remotely.

    They will even assign them to your company .

    I hear SQL experts are the ones in the most risk of being outsourced

    Joe im glad to tell you i have been tapped on the shoulder to sit in a big office at company HQ and do even less than i do now.
    Only bad think is i will get less free lunches and days out

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Only the actual hardware side.

    Can think of several companies using both indian and phill staff who will do all the actual admin work remotely.

    They will even assign them to your company .

    I hear SQL experts are the ones in the most risk of being outsourced

    Joe im glad to tell you i have been tapped on the shoulder to sit in a big office at company HQ and do even less than i do now.
    Only bad think is i will get less free lunches and days out
    sql is over for me for this year, and anyone who's good at it, deserves a good wage , travelling to work is killing me,, up at 5am, leave 6:30am and home for 5:30pm..

    3hrs travelling a day i'm not use to it

    the next tap on your shoulder might be someone giving you your p45 , well you should know andy those who sit the the big office and do nothing all day might be the 1st to go when the cash flow dries up.. where i work now, recession would probably bring us more work

    why would you employ someone remotely to admin your network , is it worth the hassle ? , i would rather have someone there who you can see face 2 face, and sort out h/w problems , also i wouldn't trust a known person to have admin rights on any server if i was the big boss

  11. #11
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    sql is over for me for this year, and anyone who's good at it, deserves a good wage , travelling to work is killing me,, up at 5am, leave 6:30am and home for 5:30pm..

    3hrs travelling a day i'm not use to it

    the next tap on your shoulder might be someone giving you your p45 , well you should know andy those who sit the the big office and do nothing all day might be the 1st to go when the cash flow dries up.. where i work now, recession would probably bring us more work

    why would you employ someone remotely to admin your network , is it worth the hassle ? , i would rather have someone there who you can see face 2 face, and sort out h/w problems , also i wouldn't trust a known person to have admin rights on any server if i was the big boss

    Many Admins on both data and voice networks are remote.

    Spoke to a Voice network guy who was in japan, the customer had rung him up and the poor guy woke up to answer a call to find out the london office of his company voice network was kaput and causing allsorts of bother in other parts of the network. he went from sweet dreams to speaking to various people in london with in a couple of mintues.

    Many of the Network admins are remote spoen to ones in either the companies home country or one in another locaton.

    Many of the city firms IT people seem to be in ipswich or brum etc.

    Had a problem where i had someone translating between me and a network bod in espana and when it came to a url and password she traslated it in to English when it should have been in Spanish

    The problems take up lots of out time but the companies save money to spend on hardware

    I will be far from sitting around all day and a small part of my remit is to oversee the internet and intranet sites in the Uk and some parts of europe by chance.

    I always make sure i have far to much work so like you say they tap somebody elses shoulder. Never understand why people want to lighten their workload and make themselves less necessry.

    In a few years i guess i head out to asia as thats the way the world is revolving maybe a nice office in makati will do me

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post

    I always make sure i have far to much work so like you say they tap somebody elses shoulder. Never understand why people want to lighten their workload and make themselves less necessry.

    In a few years i guess i head out to asia as thats the way the world is revolving maybe a nice office in makati will do me
    good luck on your new job andy,

    i'm sure you got where you are thru hard work ..

    i know what you mean, i would rather be too busy, time goes quicker , its like when work went bust, i phoned one company, and asked an old friend if i could use them as a reference, and 2 job offers within 3 days of going bump, peeps know of your rep , and i started a new job couple of days later, i want a few weeks rest thou , while my friend has been looking for a job for near 5 months

    makati, why not you could work remotely , if you need someone to hit the return key on your keyboard, i'm front of the queue

  13. #13
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    good luck on your new job andy,

    i'm sure you got where you are thru hard work ..

    i know what you mean, i would rather be too busy, time goes quicker , its like when work went bust, i phoned one company, and asked an old friend if i could use them as a reference, and 2 job offers within 3 days of going bump, peeps know of your rep , and i started a new job couple of days later, i want a few weeks rest thou , while my friend has been looking for a job for near 5 months

    makati, why not you could work remotely , if you need someone to hit the return key on your keyboard, i'm front of the queue
    Like you say its never just though hard work its all about relationships you form and the impression you create as you show with a great example.

    Thats why many Phills work in the UK have a good head start as many seem to be very aimable and get on well with people. Much harder to be nasty to someone you get on with although never impossible.
    Many of the Jobs my Wife has got though contacts and networking.

    If i get my way i will be working for my present company out there and your be more than welcome to work for me remotely from underneath your tree. They defintely need a kick up the backside out there our competion is well ahead there from speaking to various employees over there

    Maybe you can hold lessons on SQL from underneath the tree

    I'll even upgrade your win 3.11 embedded palm tree to win xp if your really lucky now microsoft are withdrawning support i wouldn't want you stuck with a palm tree without pnp, changing irqs to much effort

    PS three hours to work!!!! i know those steam trains clogs and cobbled streets slow everything down but three hours do you work in lannnndon

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