Just some general information for you guys. Allow as much time a possible to find the right girl. Coming to the Philippines for a week or something like that just isn't enough time. It 'might be' but more than like won't. While you're here travel around in the city as much as you can and make friends. You never know who's got a daughter/sister/ or 20 something year old granddaughter just right for you. I met my wife while visiting some other friends down a narrow walkway. She is truly a beautiful and sweet province girl who was living with her sister just a mile from my hotel in Cebu. She almost never left her sister's house and had I been where sitting there an hour later or earlier I'd have never met her at all. I wasn't even looking for a wife (!) so you know she is exceptional.
Even Filipina girls comment on her beauty (guwapa!) as we walk around... So give it some effort guys!
Also consider taking round trips on the different Jeepneys on a Sunday when they're not crowded. You'll get a 8 peso or so city tour for each one you ride, and will probably meet the Jeepney driver and his wife who usually want to know if you're looking.