Hello Paul, and welcome.

Looking for a wife by the direct method of going out to Philippines is not a bad idea a all, in fact, before the times of internet dating, it was the only way.

It is not uncommon for someone who was working in the Philippines around 20 years ago, to just happen on one of those bright smiling faces, cheeky smiles, rolling eyes, and feel the most urgent need to ask that lady out on a date.

Thats the way it normally happened, sadly those times have dissapeared almost in its entirety, the majority of introductions take place via internet, but you may be surprised that the approach you intend to take is probably the best one.

Sometimes, you can go to Cebu, Davao, Manila, or any other major city, and put the word around you are looking for a companion, don't be surprised if men turn up with their sisters, daughters, cousins, neices, that is the way its normally done.

If you are confronted by the sister or neice, or daughter of a freindly Filipino is hoping to find you the wife of your dreams, just take your time, there are so many fish in the sea.

Only do be aware, any man who does this has a motive, and that is the possibity of the family sharing in the good fortune of the one being proferred to the suitor, that is of course you the rich foreigner with deep pockets and a fat wallet.

The one thing you can of couse hope for, is that the lady you decide to court, is in fact an orphan, that will be bring many blessing to you, and be a very economical courtship, but please be sure to let me know if you find one, I will call the guiness book of records and have them publish it.

Best of Luck...in your desire to find the wife of your youth oh young man....!