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Thread: Visit Visa opinions

  1. #1
    Respected Member purplealien's Avatar
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    Visit Visa opinions


    I have been trying to find details about visit visas as I want my gf to come over to the UK later this year. It seems, from what I have seen, that a visit visa is nigh impossible to get and hinges on evidence about returning to Phils. My girlfriend is not working and rents her house, has anyone else been granted a visa under such circumstances. I am loathed to go through the the whole process as I have already given our wonderful government 500 smackers for a failed fiancee visa

    PS, Just come back from a week in Phil, visited Bohol, what a great place !!!

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Glad you had a nice time in Bohol.

    Others will tell you about the Vist visa experiences they have had.

    but if your GF has been out of Phill before (Russia?) then they may tick the unlikely to want visit visa just to escape phill box.

    From what i read a fiancee visa is far easier so better to reapply for that sir?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by purplealien View Post

    I have been trying to find details about visit visas as I want my gf to come over to the UK later this year. It seems, from what I have seen, that a visit visa is nigh impossible to get and hinges on evidence about returning to Phils. My girlfriend is not working and rents her house, has anyone else been granted a visa under such circumstances. I am loathed to go through the the whole process as I have already given our wonderful government 500 smackers for a failed fiancee visa

    PS, Just come back from a week in Phil, visited Bohol, what a great place !!!
    Without property, lots of money, a business or a decent job your chances are almost nil. With a failed fiancee visa application, your chances would be even less. Sorry.

    Curious though... is that you and her in your avatar pic in snow?

  4. #4
    Respected Member purplealien's Avatar
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    Thanks, It's crazy, the failed fiancee visa was due to a documentation mistake (pretty common it seems) and I didn't want to go through all that again and get rejected for a visit visa. We plan to marry mid next year and I just wanted my gf to meet my folks and see a bit of the UK.
    I was hoping that her working and returning from Moscow might help the cause.

    Yes, that was in Moscow, been there 5 times and 4 times to Phil

  5. #5
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    My wife applied for a tourist visa for herself last year and the best thing I can do is outline our application details.

    * We were married (last June, only 4 months before she applied)
    * She had no job
    * She had no savings
    * She did not own property and lived with parents at home
    * She did not own business
    * I had already booked tickets for me to fly to the Phils in November and for both of us to fly to the UK together
    * She did not have return tickets from the UK to the Phils
    * She had been abroad only once before, within Asia on a work trip
    * I had no savings and showed no evidence of them (the wedding cleared out my savings)
    * I intended to leave the UK Jan this year (shown by tenancy contract and job contract)
    * I had permanent work (income ~ £25k) and I submitted 1 years pay certs
    * We had prospective accommodation (a flat we had signed our agreement on - the tenancy contract was submitted). We submitted photographs of the flat.
    * Had letter from my parents saying that they wanted to meet her again and that they would be willing to support us (just in case)
    * Sponsorship letter from me saying that we're fed up of living apart and we wanted to be together like any other married couple and that the rest of my family wanted to meet her
    * Photographs of wedding and our time together, letters etc as proof of relationship

    And her visa was granted the day after it arrived in the office. The whole process (from posting to receiving the passport back) took about 10 days.

    So it is possible. Just make the application substantial (ie, not just the forms and a few sheets of paper, but lots of evidence of your relationship and how much you love each other and want to be together, and how she has complied with any other country's visa requirements). However, it is still a risky process and there are no guarantees. Also, remind them that their own website recommends couples to apply for a tourist visa in the first instance.

    We applied for the tourist visa because a) the processing is quicker (not much difference really), b) we didn't intend to settle in the UK (and we haven't), c) it's a darn sight cheaper than a residence visa. I don't know if receiving a residence (spousal or fiancee) visa and not settling in the UK counts against you for future applications. I don't think so, but you can never tell when policy will change.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by purplealien View Post
    Thanks, It's crazy, the failed fiancee visa was due to a documentation mistake (pretty common it seems) and I didn't want to go through all that again and get rejected for a visit visa. We plan to marry mid next year and I just wanted my gf to meet my folks and see a bit of the UK.
    I was hoping that her working and returning from Moscow might help the cause.

    Yes, that was in Moscow, been there 5 times and 4 times to Phil
    Yes that would help but with a failed fiancee visa a case worker may see an incentive not to return but..... as the post by Welsh_Italian shows, it's possible. Not that expensive.... give it a go and follow his advice

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    any failed visa apps should not effect a new visa app

    the failed fiancee visa was due to a documentation mistake (pretty common it seems)

    not many on here fail for that, if you follow the visa guidance instructions

    the moral of the story is and always has been that you have to spell it out for the HO with clear proof. If you make them have to figure it out, then you will pay the price with a rejection.

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    re: visit visa

    Quote Originally Posted by Welsh_Italian View Post
    My wife applied for a tourist visa for herself last year and the best thing I can do is outline our application details.

    * We were married (last June, only 4 months before she applied)
    * She had no job
    * She had no savings
    * She did not own property and lived with parents at home
    * She did not own business
    * I had already booked tickets for me to fly to the Phils in November and for both of us to fly to the UK together
    * She did not have return tickets from the UK to the Phils
    * She had been abroad only once before, within Asia on a work trip
    * I had no savings and showed no evidence of them (the wedding cleared out my savings)
    * I intended to leave the UK Jan this year (shown by tenancy contract and job contract)
    * I had permanent work (income ~ £25k) and I submitted 1 years pay certs
    * We had prospective accommodation (a flat we had signed our agreement on - the tenancy contract was submitted). We submitted photographs of the flat.
    * Had letter from my parents saying that they wanted to meet her again and that they would be willing to support us (just in case)
    * Sponsorship letter from me saying that we're fed up of living apart and we wanted to be together like any other married couple and that the rest of my family wanted to meet her
    * Photographs of wedding and our time together, letters etc as proof of relationship

    And her visa was granted the day after it arrived in the office. The whole process (from posting to receiving the passport back) took about 10 days.

    So it is possible. Just make the application substantial (ie, not just the forms and a few sheets of paper, but lots of evidence of your relationship and how much you love each other and want to be together, and how she has complied with any other country's visa requirements). However, it is still a risky process and there are no guarantees. Also, remind them that their own website recommends couples to apply for a tourist visa in the first instance.

    We applied for the tourist visa because a) the processing is quicker (not much difference really), b) we didn't intend to settle in the UK (and we haven't), c) it's a darn sight cheaper than a residence visa. I don't know if receiving a residence (spousal or fiancee) visa and not settling in the UK counts against you for future applications. I don't think so, but you can never tell when policy will change.
    i dont have a job
    im still studying
    my parents pay for the place i stay
    i only have 30k in my bank account
    and they are not willing to
    give me affidavit of support
    so i dont know what i should submit
    my bf doesnt ahve a job too

  9. #9
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angelina08 View Post
    i dont have a job
    im still studying
    my parents pay for the place i stay
    i only have 30k in my bank account
    and they are not willing to
    give me affidavit of support
    so i dont know what i should submit
    my bf doesnt ahve a job too

    Hello angelina08, I just lodged my application for visit visa 2nd week of this month and hoping for favorable result. We have similar situation but I rather try and lost than doing nothing at all. Just be honest in filling up your answers to those questions in the application form and be aware of a small percentage of being approved. Search for more support documents that relevant to your application.Try also to look for documents aside from those which are suggested in the forum to make your application convincing in the eyes and mind of the ECO. Good luck!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by PAT View Post
    Hello angelina08, I just lodged my application for visit visa 2nd week of this month and hoping for favorable result. We have similar situation but I rather try and lost than doing nothing at all. Just be honest in filling up your answers to those questions in the application form and be aware of a small percentage of being approved. Search for more support documents that relevant to your application.Try also to look for documents aside from those which are suggested in the forum to make your application convincing in the eyes and mind of the ECO. Good luck!
    hi Pat,

    what documents did u submit?
    I still havent submitted my application
    maybe next month i will
    also could u update me
    whether u get ur visa or not
    thanks a lot


  11. #11
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angelina08 View Post
    hi Pat,

    what documents did u submit?
    I still havent submitted my application
    maybe next month i will
    also could u update me
    whether u get ur visa or not
    thanks a lot


    Hello angelina , yes I will post here whatever the result of my application. This forum help us a lot in gathering documents and make us aware how big/small chance we's really nice to belong with this friendly group of people. Regarding the documents just keep using search function. You will get a lot of idea what to prepare. Good luck

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