i've been using PNB Europe every month for nearly 5 years, and only once have I had a problem, which tooks days or nearly a week for them to sort out
i transfered £800 using online banking, from my bank to thier natwest account, and when the misses a few days later told me she had not got the money, i checked online that the money had left my bank, then phoned pnb, they told me they had never received it

, i told them it had left my bank account and must be in their natwest account, told me no it wasn't, so i contacted my bank who told me where the natwest branch was, i phoned them, but they wouldn't tell a 3rd party - me , if they had received the money
so back to pnb i went and asked them again, nope, not got the money, so i went to my bank and asked them to trace the money, i phoned pnb again telling them that my bank was going to do a trace, and a day later pnb phoned me to say they had the money

and they would transfer it that day, my misses phoned me the next day, and told me pnb had sent the money twice

but a bit later they took half of it back

then my bank phoned me saying did i still want to trace the money, most of the time i was put thru to the same guy, he wasn't filipino or english, i think he got the boot
but still i would recommend them.. one problem out of nearly 60 transfers is not bad

, and i put it down to the idiot i had to speak to