First of all, i would like to thank everybody for their kind words, I really appreciate it.

As it stands at the moment.....

We haven't got a clue to what is going on.....

No further communication has been received from the police, and I may as well give up on getting any in future.

Laddo, has somewhat mentally recovered from the ugly incident, but I can see from the glint in his eyes that he is not happy and he looks mean.....
He has been using the same shortcut to and from work, I think, in the hope of "casually" meeting the perps and adjusting the matter to his satisfaction....

I feel a little concerned for him, but I have to realize that he is old enough to make his own decisions in life.
What makes him mad, is the way that he was attacked from behind, and why he went down like that.
Had they come from in front and started something with him, I don't think they would have stayed upright for very long....

Will keep you posted.

Thanks again.