Yesterday, while returning home from work, my son got assaulted by a couple of chavs and left on the ground dazed.
He was so out of it, that he doesn't remember how he managed to find his way back home.
For some strange reason, the police was rather quick in appearing at the door, after phoning them.
While 1 officer was taking a statement from him, some others were searching around the area of the attack.
All they stole was a sport bag containing his empty tupperware lunch box and drink bottle.
Strangely, they did not search his pockets, as his mobile, wallet and other stuff were in them.
It seems that he got jumped from behind, punched on the side of the face, thus making him hit a lamp post with the other side.
It took me ages to confort him, and at the same time trying to reassure Jet, which by now was upset, that thing like this don't normally happen, and it was a one off.
I am not ranting, I am just trying to express my disgust at todays lack of respect.
The police did arrest 2 suspects, and my lad was taken by the officer to try to identify if they were the ones.
He seems to be certain that they were the ones following him just seconds before the assault.
The cops came back later, to collect his clothes, and take photos of his facial injuries for evidence in case of a prosecution.
I am not holding my breath.
I just wish, that my son will not take the law in his own hands if he sees or meets the suspects again, as he could land in a lot of trouble.....
This morning he went back to work, and refused to be driven there.....