I used ManilaVisaEnquiries @ fco. gov.uk

And at first i got a reply from one eco (the name was familar from another applicants report of an interview at the same time) saying they were out of office.

A little later the manager replied

her name at the time was j lewin

As you know many companies used the format

Jbloggs @ fco.gov.uk for example

I have no idea if she is still there?

but a quick google shows there is a


mentioned on vfs global website.

Whoops should have mentioned this auto response was from Jlewin back in 2005.The football distracted me last night.

What i was getting at is they themselves have guidelines that they should reply within 20 days (i presume they dont have blackberrys that or
really fat fingers)

Now i got a auto response straight off which had written among other things

Thank you for emailing the Visa Section at The British Embassy Manila. All correspondence will be replied to as quickly as possible within our best practice guidelines of 20 working days.

I would if nothing is heard by late monday start to get in contact with your MP they should be able to ask on your behalf and from what i read they normally get an answer very quickly not always the right answer for you but are rarely ignored.

A manger in an office in the british embassy will not want a complaint or an MP kicking up a fuss for most they want a better posting so will not want to blot the copybook.