hi just wondering if some filipinas here are stress or pressured by their family about marraige. Everytime your bf or fiance visits u in PI, does ur family always ask you, "when is he marrying you???"Does your friends, relatives and all the pipol you know asks you, when are you both marrying??
Or after his visit,,,do they ask you "is he coming back ,when???"
or "is he serious enough to marry you??" or "are you not scared that he might not comeback??"
Im asking this questions because this is my situationfamily and friends gives me grief.
I told my brit bf about these and he is surprise coz everyone is rushing him. I didnt told him about it i kept to myself until recently. I am worried at first because he might think im making up stories and rushing him to marry me but i explained everything to him the filipino culture. My poor bf is very surprise about it, he said its very different from his culture. He said he dont like to be rush because everything will happen soon. I believe him because we love each other so much. In fact we always talk about marriage, but he still saving money. He is coming again this month, and everyone including my family is asking if its marriage this time
Im tired of explaing to them and to my friends as well. Somtimes i will just ignore them. We all know that filipino family really interferes and everyone has a say. Everytime i say that my bf is still saving money for our marriage soon,, they would start to think negative. They would even say that time might come that he will be bored with me. Its really affecting me and making me very stressed. I have no doubtswith my bf i trust him and love him to bits. But hw will i deal with my family and close friends?![]()