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  1. #1
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    Angry The low life in the UK

    Yesterday, while returning home from work, my son got assaulted by a couple of chavs and left on the ground dazed.
    He was so out of it, that he doesn't remember how he managed to find his way back home.
    For some strange reason, the police was rather quick in appearing at the door, after phoning them.
    While 1 officer was taking a statement from him, some others were searching around the area of the attack.
    All they stole was a sport bag containing his empty tupperware lunch box and drink bottle.
    Strangely, they did not search his pockets, as his mobile, wallet and other stuff were in them.
    It seems that he got jumped from behind, punched on the side of the face, thus making him hit a lamp post with the other side.
    It took me ages to confort him, and at the same time trying to reassure Jet, which by now was upset, that thing like this don't normally happen, and it was a one off.
    I am not ranting, I am just trying to express my disgust at todays lack of respect.
    The police did arrest 2 suspects, and my lad was taken by the officer to try to identify if they were the ones.
    He seems to be certain that they were the ones following him just seconds before the assault.
    The cops came back later, to collect his clothes, and take photos of his facial injuries for evidence in case of a prosecution.
    I am not holding my breath.
    I just wish, that my son will not take the law in his own hands if he sees or meets the suspects again, as he could land in a lot of trouble.....
    This morning he went back to work, and refused to be driven there.....

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If he does see them and beat the crap out of them he'd only get a warning off the police, so he may as well do that. Even if they prosecute they'll only get a fine they won't pay, or community service they won't turn up for. Fire with fire these days Dom, only way to get justice.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    I am sorry to hear this news Dom. Even though, as a supposed pillock - ooops! sorry - pillar of society as a teacher, I must agree with Keith - find them and break their kneecaps - sod the law - let's get rid of b******s like this.

    I can't believe I've just typed this - but the strange thing is - I MEAN IT!! My best wishes to your son mate.


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    If he does see them and beat the crap out of them he'd only get a warning off the police, so he may as well do that. Even if they prosecute they'll only get a fine they won't pay, or community service they won't turn up for. Fire with fire these days Dom, only way to get justice.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    I am sorry to hear this news Dom. Even though, as a supposed pillock - ooops! sorry - pillar of society as a teacher, I must agree with Keith - find them and break their kneecaps - sod the law - let's get rid of b******s like this.

    I can't believe I've just typed this - but the strange thing is - I MEAN IT!! My best wishes to your son mate.

    Yeah, well....

    My first instict told me to go and search for the chavs in question, and apply some old fashioned teachings....

    Which I did..... Before calling the fuzz.....

    Unfortunately, being of limited resources I only drove around the area with an unsure and sketchy description of the two people involved, in my mind.
    I must admit that in the heat of the moment I could easily have lashed out at totally innocent strangers, just because they wore similar clothes or base-ball hats....

    There is little more upsetting than seeing an 18 years old lad, in panic and tears because of not being able to remember how he got back home.
    Telling him that natural instinct brought him back to a safe place, did not help.
    Somehow he feels he missed 1/2 hour of his life between work and home, and can't understand it.
    Neither can I.........

  5. #5
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    even we are british or filipinos we must be careful to the bad people outside,sorry to hear that news dom

  6. #6
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    I am truly sorry about what happened to your son. It's dreadful. I am really happy that the law found them and not you. They are just not worth your loss of liberty.

    I wish your son all the best.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    I hope your son fully recovers dom..

    my younger brother was attacked by 2 drunk neighbours about 10yrs ago, there is no justice for the victim at all, my stepfather was with my brother, and he tired to push them off him, but as he was in his late 60's and had to use a walking stick he couldn't do much against 2 men in their early 20's.

    when the police arrested the , they both denied it, then one later admitted it, but the other denied it to the very last minute before he was going to go b4 a jury. they both claimed it was self defense, becuase they thought my brother was going to hit them , and they said they punched him once of twice. they infact kicked him many times to the head, well they broke his jaw in 2 places, cracked his cheek bone, he lost a few teeth, and massive brusing to most of him face til halfway down his chest, the first instinct i had apart from beating the out of them, was to take pictures of him and while he was in hospital.

    when it went to crown court, it was delayed, postponed a few times, when it finally came to go b4 a jury, the other scumbag changed his story, becuase we handed the pictures into the police as evidence, i was sat outside the court room, and right next to me was 3 people talking, saying oh he just had a few bruises , i realised who they were. cps barrister and their barristers , they were doing a deal, i said to them, they broke his jaw in 2 places, cracked his cheek bone, they walked away. their just as bad as the scum who did it to him.

    in court, i was when each one of them had character witnesses, one said how he would lose his job, he would not be able to see his kids or wife, what a decent person he was (later found out he was charged with GBH in the past) , the other guy, he had his g/f father saying what a decent b/f he was (infact he had been arrested many times for breaking into and stealing cars), i could believe this, shaking my head and tutting, i was , the court usher told me to be queit a few times, i wanted to give evidence of what i knew they had done in the past..

    anyway fearing the worse, the judge would let them off with a slap on the wrist, how the judge seemed to believe what the scumbags had said, i didn't seem to believe what my stepfather had said ( a guy in his late 60's, never been in trouble in his lfe), i was suprised when they judge said, looking at the photographs he had no alternative but to give a prison sentence, they got 6 months each, so they did 3 months in HMPS, i felt justice had been done in a small way, they should have got a couple of years, but the way it was going, if not for the photographs they would have got off with it..

    my brother never fully recovered, and i'm sure the scumbags had forgot about it soon as they got out,, there is little or no justice for victims..

    and if anything ever happens take photos straght away, time will heal any wounds, if the victim has to goto court to give evidence..

  8. #8
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    I hope your son fully recovers dom..

    my younger brother was attacked by 2 drunk neighbours about 10yrs ago, there is no justice for the victim at all, my stepfather was with my brother, and he tired to push them off him, but as he was in his late 60's and had to use a walking stick he couldn't do much against 2 men in their early 20's.

    when the police arrested the , they both denied it, then one later admitted it, but the other denied it to the very last minute before he was going to go b4 a jury. they both claimed it was self defense, becuase they thought my brother was going to hit them , and they said they punched him once of twice. they infact kicked him many times to the head, well they broke his jaw in 2 places, cracked his cheek bone, he lost a few teeth, and massive brusing to most of him face til halfway down his chest, the first instinct i had apart from beating the out of them, was to take pictures of him and while he was in hospital.

    when it went to crown court, it was delayed, postponed a few times, when it finally came to go b4 a jury, the other scumbag changed his story, becuase we handed the pictures into the police as evidence, i was sat outside the court room, and right next to me was 3 people talking, saying oh he just had a few bruises , i realised who they were. cps barrister and their barristers , they were doing a deal, i said to them, they broke his jaw in 2 places, cracked his cheek bone, they walked away. their just as bad as the scum who did it to him.

    in court, i was when each one of them had character witnesses, one said how he would lose his job, he would not be able to see his kids or wife, what a decent person he was (later found out he was charged with GBH in the past) , the other guy, he had his g/f father saying what a decent b/f he was (infact he had been arrested many times for breaking into and stealing cars), i could believe this, shaking my head and tutting, i was , the court usher told me to be queit a few times, i wanted to give evidence of what i knew they had done in the past..

    anyway fearing the worse, the judge would let them off with a slap on the wrist, how the judge seemed to believe what the scumbags had said, i didn't seem to believe what my stepfather had said ( a guy in his late 60's, never been in trouble in his lfe), i was suprised when they judge said, looking at the photographs he had no alternative but to give a prison sentence, they got 6 months each, so they did 3 months in HMPS, i felt justice had been done in a small way, they should have got a couple of years, but the way it was going, if not for the photographs they would have got off with it..

    my brother never fully recovered, and i'm sure the scumbags had forgot about it soon as they got out, there is little or no justice for victims..

    and if anything ever happens take photos straght away, time will heal any wounds, if the victim has to goto court to give evidence..
    I am really sorry for your brother and your family Joe. Reading your brother's story made me so angry.

    You are so right about lawyers, invariably they are only interested in making the easiest deals between themselves. The are not monitored or rewarded against outcome unfortunately.

    Many years ago, I lead an initiative between Polaroid and various Police forces across the country. The aim was to facilitate victimless prosecutions. In domestic violence cases the victim often suffers in silence for 7 years before it goes to court. Of the cases that go to court in over 75% of cases the victim changes their mind and refuses to give evidence against the perpetrator for a variety of reasons.

    By the time the case has gone to court things look very different. The bruises have faded, the victim is now composed and relatively calm, the perpetrator is wearing a nice suit and as you said, has character witnesses prepared to explain how nice he is.

    We issued rapid responses vehicles with Polaroid cameras (digital photos at the time were inadmissable) so that they could capture the scene with the blood on the walls, the victims obvious distress and the unsettling appearance of the perpetrator at the time of the event. A picture tells a thousand words. This lead to the first victimless prosecution - in Wales I believe.

    Again i'm really sorry about what has happened to your brother Joe and your son Dom. Seeing what I saw all those years ago when I went in the rapid response vehicles to 999 calls of domestic violence (particularly on army barracks) still haunts me and reminds me how mindless some members of any society can be.
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  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i really think they would have got away with it, if not for the pictures, they were horrific, he was covered in blood, you could tell his jaw was broken, and like i said he never fully recovered from it, and they got 3 months in prison and its all forgotten.. the jury should know, and be told of past convictions, if you've done nothing wrong then you've nothing to hide..

    and the police photographer did turn up a week or so later, but by that time like you said, the wounds have started healing, and he wasn't covered in blood,mud and in a semi-coma state.

    i don't blame the police, they do a great job , i don't blame the cps, i do blame the lawyers and barristers thou.. i just hope it doesnt happen to thier family one day

  10. #10
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    ... the jury should know, and be told of past convictions, if you've done nothing wrong then you've nothing to hide..
    I agree with that; many aspects of our laws seem to favour the rights of the perpetrator. No doubt about that.

    As an aside, I was lucky. Many years ago I was attacked by 9 Turks running a taxi company in the City of London. They had mistaken me for someone else. After fighting for what seemed an eternity in the office I was somewhat relieved when the police arrived, following my friends 999 call.

    I had a 10 minute ride in the back of the police van during which my relief turned to disbelief following MY arrest. I was arrested as I had no apparent injuries and there were several notable injuries to the other parties. That was the precise explanation I was given.

    Incredibly, I spent 3 hours in a police cell until they had interviewed all witnesses, including the Turks and concluded that I had been attacked due to mistaken identity and had used reasonable force given the circumstances i.e. 9 against 1, to protect my person and had ultimately acted in self-defence. How desperately would anyone fight if outnumbered in that way!!!!!!!!

    I was released and the police said they had no intention of pressing charges against the other parties as they had paid for their misadventure through personal injury and property damage.

    God was truly on my side, as neither the arresting officer, police doctor, my friend or even I could not believe that I did not have a single scratch on me. Sometimes the bad guys do get what they deserve!
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  11. #11
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    sorry to hear about that Dom,let's hope and pray that ur son maybe enlightened that he dont need to take revenge by himself..well even in the Phils. or in any part of the world it can happen so we have to be extra careful especially when we're outside the streets..

  12. #12
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Am sorry to hear about what happened to you son Dom.

    Call me when you need to raid

    Just want to make you smile

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  13. #13
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    First of all, i would like to thank everybody for their kind words, I really appreciate it.

    As it stands at the moment.....

    We haven't got a clue to what is going on.....

    No further communication has been received from the police, and I may as well give up on getting any in future.

    Laddo, has somewhat mentally recovered from the ugly incident, but I can see from the glint in his eyes that he is not happy and he looks mean.....
    He has been using the same shortcut to and from work, I think, in the hope of "casually" meeting the perps and adjusting the matter to his satisfaction....

    I feel a little concerned for him, but I have to realize that he is old enough to make his own decisions in life.
    What makes him mad, is the way that he was attacked from behind, and why he went down like that.
    Had they come from in front and started something with him, I don't think they would have stayed upright for very long....

    Will keep you posted.

    Thanks again.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    First of all, i would like to thank everybody for their kind words, I really appreciate it.

    As it stands at the moment.....

    We haven't got a clue to what is going on.....

    No further communication has been received from the police, and I may as well give up on getting any in future.

    Laddo, has somewhat mentally recovered from the ugly incident, but I can see from the glint in his eyes that he is not happy and he looks mean.....
    He has been using the same shortcut to and from work, I think, in the hope of "casually" meeting the perps and adjusting the matter to his satisfaction....

    I feel a little concerned for him, but I have to realize that he is old enough to make his own decisions in life.
    What makes him mad, is the way that he was attacked from behind, and why he went down like that.
    Had they come from in front and started something with him, I don't think they would have stayed upright for very long....

    Will keep you posted.

    Thanks again.
    Quite possible. Tools like those who attacked your son are not much when you have a chance to fight back. They rely upon surprise and superior numbers: on they're own, they're nothing (nothing in terms of being a challenge - they're very little as humans anyway). Glad he's getting better.

  15. #15
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    he is not happy and he looks mean.....[/SIZE]
    He has been using the same shortcut to and from work, I think, in the hope of "casually" meeting the perps and adjusting the matter to his satisfaction....

    I feel a little concerned for him, but I have to realize that he is old enough to make his own decisions in life.
    What makes him mad, is the way that he was attacked from behind, and why he went down like that.
    Had they come from in front and started something with him, I don't think they would have stayed upright for very long....
    I really hope he does not meet them but am really sorry about what happened to him and can only imagine how he must feel. Going down from an attack like that is no shame. You cannot control brain shudders like that. They were cowards and did it like that cause they feared him. Let him know that pls.
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  16. #16
    Respected Member aug06_2006's Avatar
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    Hi Dom, sorry to hear about ur news.

  17. #17
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear the news about your son kuya Dom
    I hope and pray for his full recovery

  18. #18
    Respected Member patti1227's Avatar
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    Sorry about what happened to your son. It may take long for wounds to heal and things to forget but what goes around comes around. It may take long for the perpetrators to pay for what they have done to your son however the price they have to pay will surely haunt them back in silent moments they never expect to come...

    Together with my fellow forumers, I am praying for your son.

  19. #19
    Member Troubadour's Avatar
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    I am truly sorry to hear of the violence of the matter.

    I strongly recommend that your son keeps his humanity, and derives comfort from the fact that he would never sink to the level of his attackers, characters who, somewhere inside, must be desperately empty and saddened by the pointlessness of their existence.

    There is no shame in being decent and trusting in this world, no one should feel bad about coming second in a gang ambush. Do not look for vengeance, just keep yourselves healthy so you can care for the people that really matter in your life.

  20. #20
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troubadour View Post
    I am truly sorry to hear of the violence of the matter.

    I strongly recommend that your son keeps his humanity, and derives comfort from the fact that he would never sink to the level of his attackers, characters who, somewhere inside, must be desperately empty and saddened by the pointlessness of their existence.

    There is no shame in being decent and trusting in this world, no one should feel bad about coming second in a gang ambush. Do not look for vengeance, just keep yourselves healthy so you can care for the people that really matter in your life.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

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