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My fiance has collected her fiance visa this afternoon in Manila. I have some questions about what happens next.
1) I understand she needs to go through the CFO process before she can leave the country.
Yup a quick search will show you the way there.
Takes about a day to sort out there is a website which explains it all.
Do take it seriously (its nothing to complicated a video and a chat with someothers ensuring that your wife is not be duped and knows where she is going etc)
they can withhold stamp and you cant leave the country without it.
2) Our wedding plans have been changed because the visa has been issued from now rather than as we had requested in the covering letter for September. This need not be a major issue as we only had a provisional date confirmed and nothing else booked. And it will be on a small scale.
Assuming that I can move the wedding to November and Daisy arrives in early August is this a practical timescale?
From what i have read of others experienced as long as you get married with in the six months and apply for Further leave to remain (FLR) you will have no problems
3) I understand she has to be resident for 7 days before we can arrange to see the registrar for an interview. Is there any other paperwork involved in arranging the wedding - specifically I read about needing Home Office permission to marry. This may have been linked with another type of visa.
4) The visa expires on 11/12/08. My understanding is that our application for a spouse visa has to be submitted by that date. It doesnt necessarily have to have been issued by then. Is that correct?
If the visa is being processd then your fine
5) I will be flying out to Manila and bringing Daisy back with me. Are there any recommendations as to companies to use to arrange 1 return and 1 single ticket - the single being on my returning flight. The websites I have used previously to book my tickets only deal with single or return flights from the UK.
Like Joe I had a ticket booked and the wife got a ticket on the same flight reserved and once we knew it ok to book (ie got the visa) when and bought. In phill one way tickets are far more common.
There are quite a few British based Phill Travel companies who will take this all in their stride and be able to deal with both parties.
On we have used are PIC travel in Holborn who are very helpful and from being in there office all they do is book tickets from uk to phill it appears all day long so know more about the subject than most. They are part of a bigger travel group and from what i have seen all the major accredation you expect a travel agency to have.
But there are others im sure just as good in the UK.
5) Again my understanding is that once the spouse visa is issued Daisy will be able to work and then after 2 years she can apply for ILR as long as she has either passed the Life in the UK test or an ESOL course with that element contained within it. And the evidence required and procedures for ILR are explained elsewhere in the forums. Is that a fair summary?
Got to wait for the Flr to be given before she can work. But untill she is settle i doubt she would be able to cope with work unless family business. It will take time for Daisy to settle if she is like many of the other ladies.
The Life in the UK test for most Phill ladies is a walk in the park. As you can see from here many have passed first time and their written english and abilty to read Enlish is second to none due to their schooling be in English.
Do start on collecting ILR evidence straight off will save lots of rushing around later.
Also opening a bank account and proof of address is needed for various things such as getting a job, national insurance etc
6) Is there any practical advice to give to a Filipino woman who has never travelled abroad before? I have suggested she waits until she is here before thinking about warm clothes.
A useful place to introduce Daisy to is Primark far easier to carry less clothes and put some aside for a shop in Primark so depending on how the summer and daisy reacts she can dress accordily.
More important than the weather from what i have seen first hand and read is making sure
good contact with home (low cost and realiable)
Plenty to ward off boredom books, dvds and things to do.
Make sure Phill foods and rice are easy to obtain.
7) Any other thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you