well said andy
it shows sometimes how the embassy drag things out, near 3 months for a child, i just hope they don't ask her to attend an interview

after all this waiting..
her life and her parents life are on hold waiting..

as for auto responses, that's what made me

, i would receive an email from someone, then i would reply, and then i would receive an auto response saying that they were on holiday for 2 weeks, on a training course, out of office from different people, after a few weeks i had enough

, getting a reply from a different person, then sending a reply only to get nowhere
my email wasn't nasty, but i do remember saying something like ' if you're going to reject the visa application, just do it, so we can get on with our lifes and end this wating game, so we can start an appeal..' also 'is everyone on holiday, on a training course, out of office' i was really

by then..