Excuse me if someone has raised this topic before, but I'm in need of a good rant !
I've noticed that if there are two or more Filipinos together, even if they are both perfectly fluent in English AND aware that your Tagalog etc is limited, they will speak in their own language totally ignoring you. Its even more frustrating when you can hear the odd English phase, maybe your name, and understand a few words so that you get a rough idea of the topic.
Frankly, I'm sick and tired of being the nice guy, smiling liking a moron and pretending that the cockroach, spider, lizard on the wall is interesting whilst being TOTALLY ignored.
I met up with a couple of fellow Brits in Manila a couple of weeks ago and we were all moaning about this.
How common is this?
Is this 'freezing out' done on purpose?
Do they realise how rude this is??