Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
Fascinating speaking as one about to enter the "fray" it is not my intention to support any thing which does not foster a move towards self sufficiency and sustainability and i intend to move towards this by peer pressure by encouraging
the family to decide who gets access to the investment capital.

My hope is that pressure not to pss it away will come from prospective benifittees and if the family having decided to blow it want more they can earn it themselves I will keep you posted
I must admit that this is one of our (wife & self) concerns about retiring in the Philippines. Its bad enough on a holiday when distant relatives come out of the woodwork wanting a handout PLUS the expectations of closer family. Talking to many expats, its a common concern / problem. Best advice would seem to be:
* give / lend only what you can afford to lose and do not expect any of it back ever!
* as Keith says fund self sufficiency;
* give to only close family members;
* give once and once only with the sole exception of genuine medical emergencies.

I might also add:
* do not startup a business in the Philippines either by yourself or in partnership;
* do not get involved in any land / property arrangements / deals with family;
* do not let family look after / use your Philippine house when you are back in the UK / abroad.
I've probably heard enough horror stories to write a book!

Hope this helps,
