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  1. #1
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    No luck with uploading the pic, anyway I'm staying here in Tacloban for another 5 days as it is so good. Met a group of filipinos last night, ended up at their home for a family birthday, so many people and all really very friendly.

    The only hassle is that there are no taxis in tacloban and those tricycle rides are a bit bumpy :o


  2. #2
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    Originally posted by gm47@Aug 11 2005, 03:02 AM
    No luck with uploading the pic, anyway I'm staying here in Tacloban for another 5 days as it is so good. Met a group of filipinos last night, ended up at their home for a family birthday, so many people and all really very friendly.

    The only hassle is that there are no taxis in tacloban and those tricycle rides are a bit bumpy :o
    Yeah thats the odd thing about Tacloban - no proper "Car" taxis, only tricycles....why is that?!! There's no problem with transport to or from the airport - usually a hotel can book a van or they may even have their own - as in Alejandro's.

    So Gerry where have you been to so far in or around Tacloban?

  3. #3
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    Originally posted by walesrob@Aug 11 2005, 08:43 AM
    Yeah thats the odd thing about Tacloban - no proper "Car" taxis, only tricycles....why is that?!! There's no problem with transport to or from the airport - usually a hotel can book a van or they may even have their own - as in Alejandro's.

    So Gerry where have you been to so far in or around Tacloban?
    not many places really, went to the bridge ( largest in Leyte or the phils I think) also been to the macarthur landing but thats about it, I'm just having such a good time in the layte park and tacloban city, met lots of people and have been invited to homes for meals etc, just been on a boat ride with all the hotel staff, it's the hotel managers birthday and he took them on the boat for a meal and karaoke, really good day out. I really like it here, will probably stay here for most of the week that I have left. And of course there are some very beautiful and friendly ladies too which helps !!

  4. #4
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    Originally posted by gm47@Aug 13 2005, 01:41 PM
    not many places really, went to the bridge ( largest in Leyte or the phils I think)
    That'll be the San Juanico bridge. Before we married, myself and Elsa's family had a picnic UNDER the bridge :( Its a popular spot with locals me it was the same as taking lunch under the Severn Bridge in Bristol Channel...lots of mud, flies and funny smells..

    You'll notice as well that Tacloban is Imelda Marcos heartland, so people will tell you how great she is/was and she's done no wrong and how she's done a lot for the Philippines....I heard this so much everytime I go there, and I wonder if they are talking about the same Imelda Marcos that plundered the country for millions...a bit like saying Maggie Thatch was a saint :o ...Politics is a funny thing

  5. #5
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    Originally posted by walesrob@Aug 14 2005, 01:30 PM

    You'll notice as well that Tacloban is Imelda Marcos heartland, so people will tell you how great she is/was and she's done no wrong and how she's done a lot for the Philippines....I heard this so much everytime I go there, and I wonder if they are talking about the same Imelda Marcos that plundered the country for millions...a bit like saying Maggie Thatch was a saint :o ...Politics is a funny thing
    yes that's about right, there's even a placque at the layte as she was there to celebrate the opening. Had to leave tacloban today to return to manila which was disappointing but this is my last 2 days in the phils :( would you believe it a girl that I was seeing in tacloban has followed me to Manila !!! She asked if I would bring her with me, I couldn't and didn't want to, then last night she texts to say that she has a ticket to manila and yes she is here !!!!
    Whats that all about ! :o :o


  6. #6
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    Originally posted by gm47@Aug 18 2005, 02:31 PM
    yes that's about right, there's even a placque at the layte as she was there to celebrate the opening. Had to leave tacloban today to return to manila which was disappointing but this is my last 2 days in the phils :( would you believe it a girl that I was seeing in tacloban has followed me to Manila !!! She asked if I would bring her with me, I couldn't and didn't want to, then last night she texts to say that she has a ticket to manila and yes she is here !!!!
    Whats that all about ! :o :o

    It means she wants you :lol: Glad you enjoyed your time in Tacloban, me and Elsa will be there sometime in October or November

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