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  1. #1
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    Simple solution if they don't believe in condoms......cling film & an elastic band :huh:

    I wouldn't go humping strange women out there. A few minutes of fun could be giving you a death sentence.

    I was lucky with my missus being in Singapore, as they get a health check for Aids, STD's, etc every 6 months, and she was a virgin anyway

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  2. #2
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    Originally posted by admin@Aug 20 2005, 07:47 AM
    Simple solution if they don't believe in condoms......cling film & an elastic band :huh: last time I tried that she put it in the microwave :(

    I wouldn't go humping strange women out there. A few minutes of fun could be giving you a death sentence. The phrase, horse and bolted comes to mind !!! :mellow:

    I was lucky with my missus being in Singapore, as they get a health check for Aids, STD's, etc every 6 months, and she was a virgin anyway
    you were lucky.

    have any of you guys tried the econmy lounge at the NAIA, it's very good and only costs 400p for entry, free wifi internet, free sarnies cakes and coffee, comfy chairs and beds in case you fancy a sleep. reccommended , I'm in there now online with my feet up !!!
    21 more hours and I'll be in my home :( :(

  3. #3
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    Originally posted by gm47@Aug 20 2005, 01:22 PM
    you were lucky.

    have any of you guys tried the econmy lounge at the NAIA, it's very good and only costs 400p for entry, free wifi internet, free sarnies cakes and coffee, comfy chairs and beds in case you fancy a sleep. reccommended , I'm in there now online with my feet up !!!
    21 more hours and I'll be in my home :( :(
    Economy lounge? Does that mean its got carpets and windows? :lol: Some how NAIA and the comfy don't seem to go hand in hand :o

  4. #4
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by walesrob@Aug 20 2005, 12:51 PM
    Economy lounge? Does that mean its got carpets and windows? :lol: Some how NAIA and the comfy don't seem to go hand in hand :o

    Thats a new one to cant even sit down in there, where is this lounge then, ??? the only one I know is Club Manila on the 2nd floor, for Gulf Air Business and First...I havent seen any others, if its 400p its worth going in, you have to direct us then.

    As for girls who dont want to take protection, geeeeeze where did that happen, oh well in for a penny in for a pound, if you dip your wick, you will be out of their anyway on a big bird home, its not your prob...but not wearing the old..rubber risky..with local indigenous have been warned.

  5. #5

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    Originally posted by ginapeterb@Aug 20 2005, 08:40 PM
    Thats a new one to cant even sit down in there, where is this lounge then, ??? the only one I know is Club Manila on the 2nd floor, for Gulf Air Business and First...I havent seen any others, if its 400p its worth going in, you have to direct us then.
    We were offered the "opportunity" of using this new lounge (ie a sales girl approached us and said did we want to use it for P400 each), but considering it still offered less than the basic facilities you would expect in a normal airport anyway, plus the Philippines definition of "comfort" is normally a far cry from the rest of the world's, we turned it down.

    Actually, I was willing, but the wife wasn't - she can spot a waste of money a mile off, and reminded me that the "free food" was likely to be the normal inedible rubbish that we wouldn't normally give to a rabid dog.

    You have to give them (NAIA) some token marks for trying, but please - when you've already had to pay P550 each just to USE the airport (not forgetting the escape tax filipinos have to pay just to get out), it's a bit rich asking for another P400 just for a non plastic seat. Customer feedback to NAIA - "take a look at Singapore and see how it should properly be done, then come back and try again".

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