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Thread: need help

  1. #1
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    need help

    guys, i need ur advice. I met someone lately thru chat. He said he is the manager/recruirment specialist in one of the hotel in cetral london, the qualitycrownpark hotel. He said they have many job hirng in the hotel and that they are willing to sponsor non-EU applicants (Filipino) for a wroking visa. But the fishy thing is, he said that they have many applicants but still he keeps on calling me in mh handphone (long distance)for me to send my resume to him. Im just wondering if is it possible for a managr/recruitment specialist to have an effort like that to think that I havent submiited my resume just yet? pls help

  2. #2
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    sound fishy to me, as my filipino gf cant get job and c a teacher, uk changing laws daily and only seem to be accept people with skills ie doctors, be wary

  3. #3
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    The hotel seems to exist.

    You could try emailing the hotel to see if this guy really does work there or to ask the name of the person in charge of recruitment:

    It could be real, but it seems fraudsters use real company names and establishments like this. Email the hotel to verify if this guy is connected to them.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bhaby.angel05 View Post
    guys, i need ur advice. I met someone lately thru chat. He said he is the manager/recruirment specialist in one of the hotel in cetral london, the qualitycrownpark hotel. He said they have many job hirng in the hotel and that they are willing to sponsor non-EU applicants (Filipino) for a wroking visa. But the fishy thing is, he said that they have many applicants but still he keeps on calling me in mh handphone (long distance)for me to send my resume to him. Im just wondering if is it possible for a managr/recruitment specialist to have an effort like that to think that I havent submiited my resume just yet? pls help
    Could be a fraudster but what does he stand to gain if he is only requesting a CV?
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  5. #5
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    thanks for the advice. I will try to email them.He said that they look for replacement every 2 years. actually he sent to me all the job vacancies like secretary, clinic nurse, waitress, bartender etc. maybe il just call the hotel to know.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    So long as he is not asking you anything too confidential or for any payments!
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  7. #7
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    so far he's not asking for any. Just CV and if i have a valid passport

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bhaby.angel05 View Post
    He said they have many job hirng in the hotel and that they are willing to sponsor non-EU applicants (Filipino) for a wroking visa.
    its not upto him or his company if you get a workpermit, its the gov that issues the workpermit, he has to apply to the gov, but has to show in many cases brits or europeans didn't apply for the job, unless its on a skill shortage list.

    no one can guarantee you a workpermit.

  9. #9
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    my gf try for a job as care worker, the employr suppose to contact gov for a work permit, but i heard they dontgive permit for just unskill jobs

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    The hotel seems to exist.

    You could try emailing the hotel to see if this guy really does work there or to ask the name of the person in charge of recruitment:

    It could be real, but it seems fraudsters use real company names and establishments like this. Email the hotel to verify if this guy is connected to them.
    Walesrob is right! I have a friend who asked my advise for a hotel worker in Canada. He gave me the name of the recruitment manager and the hotel name. I email the hotel although I am sure it sounds scam to me. I need evidence to show to my friend so I did it and found out it was all scam.
    So be careful! he will ask money later on and send to UK via western union

  11. #11
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    Almost certainly preparing you for a scam. Work permits are very hard to obtain now for non EU residents and restricted to those who possess special skills in "shortage occupations". We have had a huge influx of Eastern European migrant workers to fill the unskilled and semi skilled jobs. Unless and until you have a work permit in your possession, and you are 100% sure it is genuine, maybe by asking for verification at the British Embassy, I would recommend you don't take this seriously and definately don't part with any money. My real advice would be to forget it now. I get asked very frequently to "find me a job" in the UK and some Filipinos find it hard to accept that it is simply impossible now without the skills. Unless you are a doctor or a nurse you have little chance.

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    Unless you are a doctor or a nurse you have little chance.

    IMG's are wasting their time here now, they have little chance of being able to get a post that has any prospects of training included, many british docotors cannot get training posts..

    restrictions have been placed on IMG doctors and nurses in the last few years, unless your skilled and that skill is on the job shortage list..

  13. #13
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    like my fren in PI she graduated as a nurse in PI and yet wanting to come to uk to study as nursing so that at the same time she could work.she told me the school name and asking favor if I could contact the school and ask them if they really have an agency in cebu because my fren wanted to go thru an agency in cebu but doesnt know if its a genuine one and it will cost them about 150,000 pesos and to make the story short I have phone this school in london and verify if they`re real.I have told them about my fren and the school mention the place of the agency in PI which is quite true where its situated so then I have phone my fren and told them nothing to worry she`s starting her application now
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  14. #14
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    one thing I dunno if I consider myself as a victim but before When I came back to PI from working in kuwait.I was in a state of confusion between marriage and going abroad to work again but I was quite stubborn and not taking time to think I have applied a job In a certain Calledonian Company thru Internet and and then I`ve sent them a check worth about 10,000 pesos for a downpayment but later that year I have decided to settle down and ask them for a refund because their job advertisement said guaranteed refund but about two years now I havent got my refund back.Its a bit upsetting coz I have work hard for that money and when I e-mailed them asking for my money back it seem they never recieve my e-mail amd I always got them back with a subject sorry you a spam.I am just praying that they get a karma
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    like my fren in PI she graduated as a nurse in PI and yet wanting to come to uk to study as nursing so that at the same time she could work.she told me the school name and asking favor if I could contact the school and ask them if they really have an agency in cebu because my fren wanted to go thru an agency in cebu but doesnt know if its a genuine one and it will cost them about 150,000 pesos and to make the story short I have phone this school in london and verify if they`re real.I have told them about my fren and the school mention the place of the agency in PI which is quite true where its situated so then I have phone my fren and told them nothing to worry she`s starting her application now
    can i know what's the name of the agency? Coz i also is planning to do the same thing? thanks

  16. #16
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    i can't understand why the agency in PI asking for big placement fees to the applicant specially the nurses bcoz,for example the NHS here if they hire a nurses in PI NHS here already pay the agency even there medical check up and everything the agency only recruit the good and quality applicants.bcoz my friend she is a nurse in walgrave university hos coventry she asked the recruiting manager in the hospital if they pay all nurses from PI to come here to work and yes they paid it

  17. #17
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    can i know what agency for nurses is that? and another thing does someone knows where can i enroll for NVQ health and social care in surrey or near surrey? thnx

  18. #18
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    another thing.. i am a nursing graduate here in the philippines but i dont have any work experience here yet.. is it possible for me to be able to work there in UK as a nurse? What will i need to do? thank u all 4 replies

  19. #19
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bhaby.angel05 View Post
    can i know what's the name of the agency? Coz i also is planning to do the same thing? thanks
    its Enhance consultancy agency in cebu and its st.patrick`s College London
    24 great chapel W1F 8FS England phone number is +44(0)2072876664 ext.100,106,108 goodluck
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  20. #20
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bhaby.angel05 View Post
    another thing.. i am a nursing graduate here in the philippines but i dont have any work experience here yet.. is it possible for me to be able to work there in UK as a nurse? What will i need to do? thank u all 4 replies
    As far as i know my fren`s sister not got any experience as well in PI.but it would be an advantage though if you have but you`ll be coming here as student I think that would be alright.
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