, sorry piamed
i think you've got me mixed up with someone else
the things i've said about her on here

but if she knew i was on here

, she would

at what i've said, as little of it is true
many times i've posted on here, making fun of the misses, trying to get a reaction from the filipina's on here

, but nope, no bad rep, no replies to my posts, even when i said i would make the misses sit on the floor, and the dog would sit on the sofa after it cost me £1,000 for an op for the dog..
most filipina's are too reserved and too polite to answer back

, my misses use to be like that, but now she says whats on her mind

, even to the point of, when she hears a scouser on tv, "

a scouser", and many times i've had to say, shes not a scouser

, shes irish, or a brummie of gordie , but shes getting there