I shall tell the full story this time...

According to my girlfriend i am to jealouse sometimes. In the beginning of our relationship she was always teasing me with Ben Afflec and Brat Pitt. It really started to bother me after a while. Anyway, she stopped with it after we talked about it.

At friday the 6th of JulyI met my girl again. All of a sudden she was laughing. After i asked what she was lauging about, she told me that she would go to a place where they have wax stattues of famous people. her friend had said she sould take a picture with Ben to make me jealouse. I told her that it was only a doll of wax and that I would not care, as long as another (real) guy would not put his arm around her.

At Sunday the 8th of June she went to a party with her friend. I was not there, cause I had to work. All of a sudden at Wednesday she had a message in her friendster from a guy, named Alex. I could understand that it was about a message, but did not think it was in her cellphone. Anyway i knew she would not give her phonenumber to just a guy... the translation on this forum proved I was probably wrong!

When i was talking to her the next day she said I should read a message from a friend of mine in her friendster. because she always has a lot of messages I openned her email, so I could go directly to his message. Then I saw about 15 messages, including 8 on her friendster from that guy Alex! he was telling her thins that she was beautiful and attactive and that he was brokenhearted that she was taken. he also included 2 pictures that he put his arm around her.

My girlfriend and I had trouble for 3 day's about it! She said i was too jealouse and that he was just a friend. Her mother said that I was right to be angry about it. my girl did not sleep for 3 days

My girlfriend told me that he also asked for her phonenuber, but that she did not give it and said she had no load. She also said that she did not know where he lived and that she did not give her yahoo email. Somebody else must have given it to him she said. Anyway, things where settled last Saturday

Yesterday she told me that she would go to the place where the party happened, cause they (her friend and she) where invited. She would go there also for an extra job. The first plan was that I should meet her and visit those friends too, so that they could meet me. When I asked if that Alex was there too, she said she did not know.

After asking a few questions it seemed that that Alex lives there in that house with those friends. he ws maybe working, but she did not know for sure. She also told me that she would go home for dinner at her host-familly so it had no use to meet me.

I think it is all very strange and she is still claiming that she did not gave her yahoo and cellphonenumber, but that one of her friends did. According to her it does not matter, cause she deleted it and never replied