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  1. #1
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Wheter male or female you can learn from that.

    Thanking you kindly Mrs PennyBlack

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Wheter male or female you can learn from that.

    Thanking you kindly Mrs PennyBlack

    Hi Andy!!!! How come you called me Penny BLACK? My nickname is a tale that you will love to hear from my LOLA

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post

    Hi Andy!!!! How come you called me Penny BLACK? My nickname is a tale that you will love to hear from my LOLA

    sorry i just called you a stamp what a wally i am

  4. #4
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    Here's some continuation for my fella filipina wives


    Don't think that there is any satisfactory substitute for love between husband and wife. Respect and esteem make a good foundation, but they won't do alone.

    Don't be surprise, if you have married for money, or position, or fame; that you get only money, or position, or fame; love cannot be bought.

    Dont think that, because you have married for love, you can never know a moment of unhappiness. Life is not a bed of roses, but love will help to extract the thorns.

    Don't expect life to be all sunshine. Besides, if there are no clouds, you will loose the opportunity of showing your husband what a good chum you can be.

    Financial Matters
    Don't think money makes happiness. It helps to procure comfort, but true happiness lies deeper than that.

    Don't be satisfied to let your husband work overtime to earn money for frocks for you. Manage with fewer frocks.

    Don't get into debt if you can possibly help it. You don't want to carry a load around on your own mind, nor your worry your husband with it.

    Don't spend every penny you get, unless it is so little that you absolutely must. Try to put by for the proverbial "rainy day"

    Don't expect to begin where your parents left off. A little struggle in your early married life won't hurt you.

    Don't spend your life keeping up appearances. Why should YOU BUY expensive furnitures for the benefit of your neighbors if you haven't a balanca at the BANK?

    Don't entrench on your little capital every time you think you would like something you haven't got. You won't find it easy to replace these sums as your necessary expenses grow.

    Don't have any SECRETS from your husband in financial matters. Complete confidence is best.

    Don't let him have any financial secrets from you. You are partners, and you have as much right to know what is the balance at the bank as he has.

    Don't spend all the best years of your life pinching and saving unnecessarily, until you are too old to get any pleasure out of your money.

    Don't pile your money for your children. Give them the best education possible, and let them make their own way.

    Don't urge your husband to save enough money to "retire". His retirement may very likely shorten his life by depriving him of its chief interest.

    Don't exercise your passion for economy on your husband's linen. Don't expect him to wear his shirts and collars twice because the laundry bill is so high, and don't grudge him a couple of handkerchiefs a day. If necessary, you can wash these yourself. Anyhow rather economise on your own or the household washing.

    Don't run up big bills at a number of shops and then find it necessary to go to your husband to help you out. Try to know where you are all the time.

    Don't object to your husband's life insurance. He will die none the sooner because his life is insured, and if you should unfortunately have to end your life without him, it maybe a great help to you.

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