Hi everyone.

I got the posting itch today. Sorry.

My fiance arrived here in UK in May '06, and we are really settling well together, and have some real laughs. Usually at each other, but not always shared by my friends cos of their lack of 'understanding to Pi culture and humour', and my fiance can be a real joker when the mood takes her.

Now when I first visited Pi back in 04 I found it hard to understand why my loveley fiance and family fell about laughing (at me usually) everytime I tried to speak tagalog or do something 'Philippine'. I felt like a clown but laughed along with them, and what a great first visit.

However, now Wena is here, I have (albeit to myself) been laughing at some of the things my fiance has done since she arrived here in UK. (And I know I will be in for a beating now cos she sits next to me reading this post!!!!! lol)

I hope your not bored yet.

1.) Explain to your spouses please that dogs in this country DONT have rabies. I spent the first 3 days scraping Wena off my back and returning her freyed nerves to normality every time we walked past a dog. Especially the big fur Saint Berhards dog living outside a shop in our town. At first she thought someone had laid a rug out, until it moved ! LOL I guess you had to be there and see the look on her face.
2.) Buy your spouse travel sickness pills BEFORE they arrive. Your average filipina has never travelled faster than a Jeepney in reverse, suddenly 90mph is like light speed, and makes u a bit dizzy - oh and sick too.
3.) Oh yes, explain what all the cocophony of soaps are that we use in our modernized world. Washing powder went into the dishwasher, dishwasher tablets, dont work in the washer, and pegging bounce deodorant sheets to clothes in the wardrobe !! to name but a few.

I would love to hear some other odd things our loving partners have done in their first few weeks here. But dont worry as i am fast finding out, they learn from their mistakes very quickly, that is if u point their mistakes out, in a gentle and understanding way.

MORE POWER TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as my fiance put in her letter to the embassy asking for the return of her passport and visa. GULP!!!!!!!! I nearly fainted when she sent me the copy of her letter she had sent. It was like looking at another 9 month nightmare !!!!!!!!! Fortunately they took it in context.

Look forward to hearing from you.

PS. Equaliser - if u read this, my fiance went through CFO with your fiance Ashley - and would like to extend her best regards to you and your fiance.