Well I found an excellent Chinese supermarket in Lancaster (for those of you in the North West). It is owned by a Chinese guy who's wife is Filipino, and there is not a lot they dont do. Wena went wild on the plastic, and now I have a fridge full of Gabi - awaiting the Sinigang party she will throw for my family this weekend.
If anyone is interested, it is just by the bus station in Lancaster.
I have also managed to find and meet and introduce my fiance to a large group of Filipino/Thai ladies based here in Kendal, but living as far afield as Newcastle, who regularly meet up (Husbands welcome too), so if anyone wants their details mail me and i will send them back to you.
PS. My fiance has just worked out that Blue Portable Toilet cubicles are not in fact post boxes. hehehehe You should have seen the look on her face - and his..........