You will do well to find a nursery for £125 these days. We are in a rural location and charge between £145 and £170 per week, depending on age. A childminder for £85 sounds pretty cheap to me. Both businesses are profitable, if run well of course, but there is significant over capacity in childcare right now so occupancy in some areas is low. It is not a business to start up and expect to get rich over night. The entry costs are high, the regulations fierce and the time to profit can be long. I have just had a lengthy fight with Ofsted, over some really stupid, ill informed comments typical of the nanny state we are suffering. The trouble with a care home is that it is a 24/7 business, 365 days a year. When the staff go sick, or there is a problem on Christmas eve at 3 am, guess who gets called out? By the way ManillaDavid, I think you missunderstood. Your girl wont earn £430 per week. That is the fee to stay in a care home! She will more likely work for 40 hours at around £6 or £7 per hour. Yes, there is a real crisis with Filipino carers right now, with many having to return home. Efforts are being made to help them, especially those who have been here for some years and are close to their ILR. It is going to be tough though on some dependent families.