Over the weekend it was my birthday and I received a very interesting text from the friend of my ex girlfriend (both Filipinas). It informed me that my ex GF was telling her best friend forever to meet up with me for a couple of days in (city x)!
Wasn`t that nice of my ex gf to think of me on my b-day? I thought so.
I was also thinking of how good looking her friend was and how I had noticed how she hadn`t been wanting to let me off the phone lately as we talked about ex gf. I was also thinking how conservative this lady always holds herself up to be and how she is engaged to be married this Dec to white guy in the U.S.
So naturally, I called her up and yeah, long story short she would like to hook up at a hotel in (city X)! I told her I couldn`t make it on such short noticeguess she wants some fun before she gets married?
Yeah I know, I`m an adult and everything- so I know what the world is like etc etc
And maybe this is a bad topic even for this forum (forgive me then, I`m new) But I cant help the fact that it makes me wonder what my(present,newly-found) girlfriend is doing(on the other side of the world).And how maybe I should continue to get to know her better before committing completely?
And will I ever find a good girl or will I get stuck with another littleAnd are there any good girls? etc etc.
Anyway cant help the fact its got me thinking this way right now.