GMA Innaugural Speech.

GMA Was in City of Cebu between 3-5th July 2004 giving her innaugural speech (GMA - Her Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo - El Presidente de Pilipinas )

The Speech was grandiso to say the least, where GMA set out her goals and aspirations for her government and what she wished to achieve on behalf of the Philippine people during her current term of office, as she was sworn in GMA was heard to say that "Their are many challenges now and in the future for the Phillipine people and their is much work that must be done" well Madam President we certainly think that is true, that is almost as clever as Senator Bob Dole Republican Party candidate for President against Bill Clinton in 2nd term of his Presidency, when Bob said "This election is about the future, and that is yet to come" very profound Senator !

In truth, GMA has put forward a credible set of objectives, but in our view she has completely missed the whole point of being in office, this is typical of all politicians who use political sound bytes to set out a strategy for improvement and change, after all her job is a short term opportunity to try and make the lives of the Philippine people better, but to set hout a strategy and not say how you are going to do it, is quite plainly in the wind.

Manifesto pledges need substance behind them, most business make business plans to show the bank how they will achieve their objectives, and cash flow forecasts, plans are mainly long term in projection, 5 year, 3 year 1 year, and plans need constant adjustment to make them appear to be on course, but with GMA it appears she has totally missed the point, its not just about saying "We need scholarships for poorer people who can ill afford them" "We need the eradicate child poverty" "We need to eradicate the Manila Garbage Moutain" "We need to eradicate Corruption" "Build new Bridges" "re-organize the PNP" "Reduce the budget deficit and balance of payments" these are part of GMA's 10 point plan, with elimination of Corruption at the top of the list, but when you give your manifesto commitments, you need to set out a strategy for affecting change.