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  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    What is your current status ?

    A survey of who is who at FilipinoUK and what is your current romantic status ?

    I was just thinking about the status of members here at this forum, something occurred to me, I asked myself this question, how many here at this forum are actually on tours of duty in the Phils for 1st/2nd visits, or maybe 3rd/4th visits, marital trips, or just visiting, its amazing how many people are in different situations.

    Have you ever thought about it ? don't always assume that everyone fits into the same pidgeon hole, for example, about 3 years ago, (stop laughing you lot, yes its actually 3 years ago, and more since I was on courtship duty to the Philippines)

    I met this guy on Gulf Air, for those that know this route, its through Abu Dhabi, and on to Manila, well this Brit Guy and I ended up chatting, he was working for the Sultanate of Oman's armed Forces, ex RAF technician, and he told me, he does not live with the wife, she is in Philippines at the house they have made together, he works and lives as a single man in Oman, about 3 times a year he gets leave and goes back to see her and his son, she could never settle in UK, and when he was in Oman, it just seemed kind of no benefit, to be seperated.

    So they came up witht his plan that she would live in Philippines, and he would commute, and live as a single man in single quarters, actually it kind of makes sense, if he can make money abroad, why not.

    Well I thought about this guy , and wondered, how many are like this, or how many live apart, how many guys are now in UK living as single men, if there lady is in Phils.

    I also thought about those ones who had recently got involved in Phils, were just in the courtship phase, and those who are waiting for anulments, or whose situations are complicated, maybe they can't get visa, or are on appeal, there are literally hundreds of different situations.

    Maybe its your first time out to Philippines, your'e excited I can tell, maybe your laughing and saying, hmmmmm been 20 times, or even 40 times, nothing special about it, maybe you are just about to go back for that all important 2nd visit, to get engaged, or even married, its an exciting time I know, don't worry they only start telling to drop dead once they have indefinate leaeve to remain, and they only tell you to get your own dinner once they are naturalized as British, I know what your'e thinking, surely they don't change do they ?

    Perhaps you can all reply one by one, and tell us your status, are you single/involved - single/engaged or married/seperated by distance, or married/living apart, and waiting for visa, etc, etc, its good to know who is who, and what is your story, maybe it seems forever that you have been waiting for your babae to come bouncing into the arrivals hall, as you pole vault into their arms, whatever your situation, you are guaranteed that someone else has been there first.

    The Mrs and I met a couple last year in a restaraunt who came 30 years ago, so trust me, there is always someone who came before you, and remember, Internet back then was Aparnet, and that was run by U.S. Military advanced projects agency, so back then they had to meet the old fashioned way.

  2. #2
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    Hi Pete,

    Been to Phils many times over 15 years.
    Never had a GF there before as I had GF in UK.
    Going in a week to marry Rochelyn in July
    Never met anyone as lovely, her laugh is enough to make me go weak at the knees

    Happy Daze

  3. #3
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    I am appy for you mate, as I said "They only tell you to get your own dinner at night, once they are naturalized" don't believe me...wait and see

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    I am appy for you mate, as I said "They only tell you to get your own dinner at night, once they are naturalized" don't believe me...wait and see
    Yeah I've been cooking for myself for years anyroad so just to see her everyday will be a real treat. There's always the wicromave

  5. #5
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    well mate you are certainly excited about it, you enjoy yourself out in Phils and have a great time with your babae, I am sure you will have great stories to bring back for us, as I do not have a babae anymore hahaha, I will have to content myself with dried fish, stinking Thai fragrant rice, Datu Puti vinegar fume smells from her special meals, and boy does it stink stink stinky...but no doubt you will endure this later your place.

    Let us know how that goes.

  6. #6
    Respected Member lavander's Avatar
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    hi peter,

    nice topic before i start... though my experience and situation differs from the rest for sure but i hope after reading will not have any mood implication to anyone...

    i am loveless at the moment, a year and a half ago i was engaged with a brit guy , i met him whilst he was on a training here at my place Singapore...
    he visit me twice and the last time he proposed and of course i said YES..everything was in process to be settled,docs and everything to be submitted for fiance visa...but i think someone from above has diff plan for both of us.. a week before his 3rd flight here and a week before my bday... he was taken from me...'cardiac arrest while he was sleeping.....its a tragic experience for me...i was the last person he spoken to, i was the one who sense something is wrong with him...
    i phone her sister who live in south wales to check him for me coz his not replying nor answering on my call which is not the usual him.... then everything when out of proportion....and then the rest is history...

    i was in hell and devasted days,months and year of that., i was a loner during this period.....i prefer not to go out with friends coz i dont want to feel them sorry for me......what hurt the most is that i never managed to visit him on his wake and funeral...all his family want me to come but i prefer not seems i cannot bear seeing him on that place....its just i cannot accept it that time...

    then i slowly try to learn to let it go and move on..early of this year,,,i find my time reading a lot of things and browsing etc just to keep my mind busy..also the reason why i manage to discover this 'Great forum ' gives me the feeling of reminicsing reading message and experience from member here what they going through with a brit guy relationship..i can relate to that in short.....

    anyways....thats my share on this topic..pls. dont feel sorry for me..i am ok now and moving slowly better......visiting this forum is a therapy for me...

    thanks for reading..and have a great weekend ahead...

    Keep moving on...

  7. #7
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    Dear lavander

    That is such a sad story and I won't say that I understand your feelings because I cannot.
    We all have to deal with bereavement, I have lost family members, and it is never easy, dear.
    The only thing I know is that "time heals everything".
    I think that when you are ready to make friends with another man, if that is what you want, that things will sort themselves out again.
    My best wishes to you and I hope you find happiness again, whether with an British man, Pinoy or a man from another country


  8. #8
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    Hi Lavander,

    And hows Andy17 as being friend then...i hope he still around

    Hi Mod,

    Im gonna post my status soon, but everything is fine under the sun

  9. #9
    Respected Member lavander's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jedc143 View Post
    Hi Lavander,

    And hows Andy17 as being friend then...i hope he still around
    Dear jedc143,

    Thanks for following me and andy17's 'friendship'...
    andy17 is busy and has other priorities at the moment, sadly :( am not in the list...)
    Its ok and i don't blame him on this... i give him the impression that am moving too fast for him... must move on...

    hmmm..i think i will be needing Kimmi's 'magic cheering' again this time hahahah...ooopss..just kidding..

    Keep moving on...

  10. #10
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lavander View Post

    hmmm..i think i will be needing Kimmi's 'magic cheering' again this time hahahah...ooopss..just kidding..

    dont worry sis, here i am..he he he

    I'll gonna cheer for Andy..

    Calling the attention of Andy17, ure needed here in the forum..

  11. #11
    Respected Member telford's Avatar
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    i met my husband online oct,2005

    feb 13,2006 he visit me to celebrate valentines together

    april to june he vsit me again for the 2nd time and propose a marraige

    sept we get married and i apply for my visa 1st wk of oct and oct.13 i fly to UK to with my fafa... then after couple of months of staying there,i get pregnant and decided to have my baby in Philippines... until now were still here enjoying each other and spending quaility time with our daughter 24/7...

    be back there soon tho after my baby's 1st birthday!

  12. #12
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Presently on holiday in the Philippines and this is my 5th time with my longest time i have stayed here on one trip was 7 months last year.

    Although of course i love my wife like any marriage takes hard work sometimes especially when there are culture differences..

    I always love to read about those members who are just starting their journey for the first time.

  13. #13
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    Before i launch into my own story, i would like to say to Lavander, i'm so sorry to hear your story all our thoughts are with you and i do hope that you find happiness soon.

    God Bless

    Well old Shamrockdave met his wife Maria Fe in November 2003

    Basicallly it all started when my best friend (who works in KL) invited me out to visit him for a holiday.
    He knows i love Scuba diving and asked me had i considered the Philippines, which i hadn't. He was going there for business so i accompanied him.
    It was there that i met my future wife.

    Anyway after i left in Dec03 we continued to keep in touch via email phone etc. I returned in April 04 and we really fell in Love. I'm waffling now
    Jan 05 we had a baby daughter Angelina
    Dec 06 i proposed
    June 07 we got married!

    Well now we had finally decided to go for the visa July 07 - i was expecting mum and daughter to be with me say Oct 07
    Not to be
    Aug 07 Maria Fe's mum passes away, obviously everything is now on hold for a bit,
    Sept 07 my closest uncle dies, i fly back to Ireland for the funeral (i live in London) while i am back my father has a stroke, however he does recover and i come back to London.
    Oct 07 My father passes away
    So things have not been good since we married.
    The next thing is it's xmas and we are looking at maybe Feb/March
    Financially i was not in a good place, so now we have only just got sorted and applied for the settlement visa's 3 weeks ago.

    So in short we are waiting, this is now the longest i have been away from them 12 months since i have seen them.

    I think when i pick them up from the airport i will just cry - assuming the get the visa


  14. #14
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shamrockdave2003 View Post
    Before i launch into my own story, i would like to say to Lavander, i'm so sorry to hear your story all our thoughts are with you and i do hope that you find happiness soon.

    God Bless

    Well old Shamrockdave met his wife Maria Fe in November 2003

    Basicallly it all started when my best friend (who works in KL) invited me out to visit him for a holiday.
    He knows i love Scuba diving and asked me had i considered the Philippines, which i hadn't. He was going there for business so i accompanied him.
    It was there that i met my future wife.

    Anyway after i left in Dec03 we continued to keep in touch via email phone etc. I returned in April 04 and we really fell in Love. I'm waffling now
    Jan 05 we had a baby daughter Angelina
    Dec 06 i proposed
    June 07 we got married!

    Well now we had finally decided to go for the visa July 07 - i was expecting mum and daughter to be with me say Oct 07
    Not to be
    Aug 07 Maria Fe's mum passes away, obviously everything is now on hold for a bit,
    Sept 07 my closest uncle dies, i fly back to Ireland for the funeral (i live in London) while i am back my father has a stroke, however he does recover and i come back to London.
    Oct 07 My father passes away
    So things have not been good since we married.
    The next thing is it's xmas and we are looking at maybe Feb/March
    Financially i was not in a good place, so now we have only just got sorted and applied for the settlement visa's 3 weeks ago.

    So in short we are waiting, this is now the longest i have been away from them 12 months since i have seen them.

    I think when i pick them up from the airport i will just cry - assuming the get the visa


    Lordy what a story I have followed some of your trials and tribulations but never released so much had happened to you both.

    I wish you speedy Sucess with the Visa because boy if a couple deserve it, its you two

  15. #15
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    Really appreciate that mate, thanks very much


  16. #16
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    Hi Shamrockdave
    Sounds like you've been through a lot
    You will really enjoy re-uniting with your family, hopefully soon.
    Your journey puts my short story into true perspective.
    Thanks for sharing it with the forum, and all the best for the future

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shamrockdave2003 View Post
    Before i launch into my own story, i would like to say to Lavander, i'm so sorry to hear your story all our thoughts are with you and i do hope that you find happiness soon.

    God Bless

    Well old Shamrockdave met his wife Maria Fe in November 2003

    Basicallly it all started when my best friend (who works in KL) invited me out to visit him for a holiday.
    He knows i love Scuba diving and asked me had i considered the Philippines, which i hadn't. He was going there for business so i accompanied him.
    It was there that i met my future wife.

    Anyway after i left in Dec03 we continued to keep in touch via email phone etc. I returned in April 04 and we really fell in Love. I'm waffling now
    Jan 05 we had a baby daughter Angelina
    Dec 06 i proposed
    June 07 we got married!

    Well now we had finally decided to go for the visa July 07 - i was expecting mum and daughter to be with me say Oct 07
    Not to be
    Aug 07 Maria Fe's mum passes away, obviously everything is now on hold for a bit,
    Sept 07 my closest uncle dies, i fly back to Ireland for the funeral (i live in London) while i am back my father has a stroke, however he does recover and i come back to London.
    Oct 07 My father passes away
    So things have not been good since we married.
    The next thing is it's xmas and we are looking at maybe Feb/March
    Financially i was not in a good place, so now we have only just got sorted and applied for the settlement visa's 3 weeks ago.

    So in short we are waiting, this is now the longest i have been away from them 12 months since i have seen them.

    I think when i pick them up from the airport i will just cry - assuming the get the visa

    very similar to my story.. so i know how you feel
    but bad times don't last forever.. things will change for the good

  18. #18
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    My current status is very much happily married with our 2nd wedding anniversary is coming up next week.

    I was, I thought, a happy..... well, maybe a little lonely, but not unhappy, bachelor working hard as an IT Tech in the day and doing pub and club gigs at night and weekends, I had been single for about seven years. Then one Saturday night I played a gig for a Phil/Brit couple who had recently married in Phils and were having a party for all their friends in this country who couldn't attend the wedding.

    There were lots of Phil/Brit couples there and the way the Filipina wives seemed to look after their husbands needs, their warm and friendly nature and after talking to some of the husbands later on, I sort of decided, only in a sort of light hearted way that I might check out the web and see if I might find someone that would be interested in me.

    I must say that at first I was really taken aback by the interest that was shown, but I had already decided that unless I found someone really suitable, I wouldn't bother moving ahead with any relationship.

    Eventually, after chatting to maybe 20 or more different Filipinas, I met Louella and we hit it off right from the start because she was so different from most of the others. She wasn't at all heavy about things, asking things like, "are you really seriously looking for a wife" like most of the others and mostly, we just had a real good laugh.

    Well, after only a month of chatting, I decided I would visit her and I had known her only for about 7 weeks online when I flew off to Manila to meet her. When I got there, she was just everything I expected her to be and by the end of my 2 week stay there, I had decided I would marry her if she'd have me.

    That was in November 2005 and I went back to Phils in June 2006 for a month and did just that. She applied for her visa shortly afterwards and it was granted towards the end of August that year. Louella eventually arrived in the UK at the end of September 2006 and we will apply for ILR in late August this year.

    We then applied for a visa for Louella's daughter Mary Grace and visited Phils in August last year to bring her back to live in the UK with us. Because our passports are likely to be tied up with the ILR process and of course the £750 cost of ILR, we won't be able to visit Phils this year, but I will be looking forward to going again next year.


  19. #19
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    My current status is very much happily married with our 2nd wedding anniversary is coming up next week.

    I was, I thought, a happy..... well, maybe a little lonely, but not unhappy, bachelor working hard as an IT Tech in the day and doing pub and club gigs at night and weekends, I had been single for about seven years. Then one Saturday night I played a gig for a Phil/Brit couple who had recently married in Phils and were having a party for all their friends in this country who couldn't attend the wedding.

    There were lots of Phil/Brit couples there and the way the Filipina wives seemed to look after their husbands needs, their warm and friendly nature and after talking to some of the husbands later on, I sort of decided, only in a sort of light hearted way that I might check out the web and see if I might find someone that would be interested in me.

    I must say that at first I was really taken aback by the interest that was shown, but I had already decided that unless I found someone really suitable, I wouldn't bother moving ahead with any relationship.

    Eventually, after chatting to maybe 20 or more different Filipinas, I met Louella and we hit it off right from the start because she was so different from most of the others. She wasn't at all heavy about things, asking things like, "are you really seriously looking for a wife" like most of the others and mostly, we just had a real good laugh.

    Well, after only a month of chatting, I decided I would visit her and I had known her only for about 7 weeks online when I flew off to Manila to meet her. When I got there, she was just everything I expected her to be and by the end of my 2 week stay there, I had decided I would marry her if she'd have me.

    That was in November 2005 and I went back to Phils in June 2006 for a month and did just that. She applied for her visa shortly afterwards and it was granted towards the end of August that year. Louella eventually arrived in the UK at the end of September 2006 and we will apply for ILR in late August this year.

    We then applied for a visa for Louella's daughter Mary Grace and visited Phils in August last year to bring her back to live in the UK with us. Because our passports are likely to be tied up with the ILR process and of course the £750 cost of ILR, we won't be able to visit Phils this year, but I will be looking forward to going again next year.


    Lovely story Iain congrats on the 2nd anniversary to you and Louella

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    very much happily married with our 2nd wedding anniversary is coming up next week.
    A Nice story Iain & Louella
    Another happy couple.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    My current status is very much happily married with our 2nd wedding anniversary is coming up next week.
    Nice story... good luck for the future

  22. #22
    Respected Member Sconnie's Avatar
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    Met Vanessa on interrnet January 2007
    First visit to Philippines September 2007
    Vanessa visited me in Germany November 2007 we travelled back to philippines december 2007 spent Christmas and New Year with her family in the province (what a wonderful time)
    April 2008 : 3rd. trip to Philippines Vanessa and I married on 8th. April.
    Spouse visa application submitted on 22nd. May 2008 waiting now into 5th wee although it feels like months, looking forward to my wife joining me here in Newcastle.

  23. #23
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    I'll answer here in behalf of my hubby.

    I was sent off by my company to London on May 2006 for 2 months of training with our client. He is new to the company as well and we attended the same training. Since he was new there, he would always come with us (me and some filipino guys who are also undergoing training) for lunch. July 2006 when I went back to Manila and we kept in touch because I would still work with him (testing his work ).. no communication for a month then after that, we kept in touch again. we would always chat, text, email.. then eventually we became gf-bf.

    June 2007 - his first visit to the Philippines, we went to Bohol and thats where he proposed to me.

    Dec 2007 - January 2008 - 2nd visit to Manila, stayed for 10days just to be with me and experience Philippines CHristmas and New Year.

    Mar - April 2008 his 3rd visit here and we got married on APril 12. We went to Boracay and Palawan for our honeymoon.

    He went back to the UK 6 days after our wedding..

    Now, I'm still attending to my documents. Hoping I'll be able to complete all the needed docs next week so I could lodge it soon. Been apart for more than 2 months now..

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    2 months!

    Try 12 months darling

  25. #25
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    got married over 4 years now so far and so on me and hubby are so much happy to each other evryday our love goes deeper and deeper.back year sept 2003 when i text my cousin in luton shes a nurse,when i text her somebody repplied to me said im sorry im not your cousin then i was repplied are you sure your not my cousin, and he repplied back to me said anyway im daniel and me i know your name please,and i give my name and where i came from but he don't believe me bcoz the sounds of my name is not pilipino he think im from USA, bcoz he don't believed me he phoned the vodafone to asked the area code of 0063 lol and now he believed it.after 2months of texting he was gone then dec 23,2003 i bought a new sim card coz i wanted to changed my number at that time bcoz i was so busy at work i don't have time to phone my family and friends and christmas is coming i put back my old simcard dec.25 and i was surprised i got 3messeges from him saying sorry he stoped texting me he was opologised me then MAY 12,2003 HE WAS visited me for a week we wen't to bohol straight away to introduced him to my family MAY 22 when his back to Uk he propposed me over the phone lol and he invited me to came to uk to meet his family and friends the whole month of august i stayed with him then come to PI to process the wedding jan 21 2004 we got married and flew back here 2nd week of march 2004 and now im wishing to the new couples for their happiness and success for being married

  26. #26
    Respected Member islander's Avatar
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    this is our story... OUR LOVESTORY!

    june 25, 2006 - FIRST MET ONLINE
    november 2006 - FIRST VISIT
    january 2007 - SECOND VISIT
    november 2007 - THIRD VISIT, where he proposed
    january 2008 - FOURTH VISIT, where we got wed in church on january 21,
    2008 & had honeymoon in Thailand
    april 2008 - FIFTH VISIT, where he accompanied me to manila to lodge in
    my visa application
    june 21, 2008 - GOT MY VISA, although it has been issued june 19, 2008
    july 2008 - SIXTH VISIT, where he will pick me up
    july 9, 2008 - scheduled flight for UK together with my hubby
    with a heart full of love, you will express your highest potential while also fulfilling your soul's deepest purpose:

  27. #27
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    Hi vbkelly

    Isn't it nice how the right things work out in unusual ways
    Great story

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Hi vbkelly

    Isn't it nice how the right things work out in unusual ways
    Great story
    thats we called FAITH and DESTINY of LIFE

  29. #29
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Met online 30th August 2005 (Pia's birthday)
    Met in person July 06 1st Meeting
    Met in December 06 2nd Meeting
    May 07 3rd Meeting Formal proposal in Thailand
    August 07 4th Meeting
    28th December 2007 Married in Surigao City Cathedral 5th Meeting
    March 08 6th Meeting
    July 08 Hope to go to escort my rib home after her visa is granted 7th Meeting
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  30. #30
    Member steprose's Avatar
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    Hi everyone,

    I'm glad that I came across at this site because it's very informative and it helps a lot.

    My name is Rose and my fiance's name is Steve. He's in the UK right now... we text, call and chat everyday.

    I'm separated, but I haven't filed for my annulment yet coz as we all know it's bloody expensive and takes ages before you can get the papers done. So in short, we can't apply for fiancee visa. I've just applied for Sponsored visit visa on June 3, 07. It has been 3 weeks now and still waiting for the result. We're hoping that we will have the good result in a fews days.. (fingers crossed)

    I met my fiance online on Aug 22, 06

    1st visit - Jan. 11, 07, stayed for 3 weeks. 1 week in Manila, then we traveled in Davao, Agusan del Sur and Surigao City...

    2nd visit - Oct. 13, 07, stayed for 3 months in my apartment with my two boys.

    We traveled together in Macau on Oct. 15-20, 2007 in Macau, China for 54th Macau Grand Prix.

    Thanks to all and God bless!

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