A survey of who is who at FilipinoUK and what is your current romantic status ?
I was just thinking about the status of members here at this forum, something occurred to me, I asked myself this question, how many here at this forum are actually on tours of duty in the Phils for 1st/2nd visits, or maybe 3rd/4th visits, marital trips, or just visiting, its amazing how many people are in different situations.
Have you ever thought about it ? don't always assume that everyone fits into the same pidgeon hole, for example, about 3 years ago, (stop laughing you lot, yes its actually 3 years ago, and more since I was on courtship duty to the Philippines)
I met this guy on Gulf Air, for those that know this route, its through Abu Dhabi, and on to Manila, well this Brit Guy and I ended up chatting, he was working for the Sultanate of Oman's armed Forces, ex RAF technician, and he told me, he does not live with the wife, she is in Philippines at the house they have made together, he works and lives as a single man in Oman, about 3 times a year he gets leave and goes back to see her and his son, she could never settle in UK, and when he was in Oman, it just seemed kind of no benefit, to be seperated.
So they came up witht his plan that she would live in Philippines, and he would commute, and live as a single man in single quarters, actually it kind of makes sense, if he can make money abroad, why not.
Well I thought about this guy , and wondered, how many are like this, or how many live apart, how many guys are now in UK living as single men, if there lady is in Phils.
I also thought about those ones who had recently got involved in Phils, were just in the courtship phase, and those who are waiting for anulments, or whose situations are complicated, maybe they can't get visa, or are on appeal, there are literally hundreds of different situations.
Maybe its your first time out to Philippines, your'e excited I can tell, maybe your laughing and saying, hmmmmm been 20 times, or even 40 times, nothing special about it, maybe you are just about to go back for that all important 2nd visit, to get engaged, or even married, its an exciting time I know, don't worry they only start telling to drop dead once they have indefinate leaeve to remain, and they only tell you to get your own dinner once they are naturalized as British, I know what your'e thinking, surely they don't change do they ?
Perhaps you can all reply one by one, and tell us your status, are you single/involved - single/engaged or married/seperated by distance, or married/living apart, and waiting for visa, etc, etc, its good to know who is who, and what is your story, maybe it seems forever that you have been waiting for your babae to come bouncing into the arrivals hall, as you pole vault into their arms, whatever your situation, you are guaranteed that someone else has been there first.
The Mrs and I met a couple last year in a restaraunt who came 30 years ago, so trust me, there is always someone who came before you, and remember, Internet back then was Aparnet, and that was run by U.S. Military advanced projects agency, so back then they had to meet the old fashioned way.