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Thread: no one ever reads my posts

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joebloggs no one ever reads my posts 21st June 2008, 11:37
KeithD By that time, they'll be... 21st June 2008, 11:56
kimmi thanks for the info Mod... 21st June 2008, 18:17
KeithD Sounds better than Punk Joe I... 21st June 2008, 18:54
A_flyer http://croque-vacances.chez-al... 21st June 2008, 19:01
andypaul We dont read at the moment as... 21st June 2008, 19:22
5olidsnake i think revoking a ILR maybe... 21st June 2008, 20:37
joebloggs i would rather study for and... 22nd June 2008, 07:13
5olidsnake if the marriage is abandoned... 22nd June 2008, 08:44
andypaul Thats a situation a lot of... 22nd June 2008, 10:49
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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Talking no one ever reads my posts

    looks like not many bothered to read the ANALYSIS OF MARRIAGE VISA
    CONSULTATION RESPONSES JUNE 2008 that i mentioned the other day, when moaning about the pre-entry English requirement for spouses

    in the document it also mentioned again about changing the minimum age from 18 to 21 for a spouse visa.

    but also, more important to many filipina's on here, the possible idea of revocation of indefinite leave to remain

    • Thirty-three out of 45 respondents supported the
    revocation of Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR)
    following abandonment of a spouse, but possibly
    with a time limit after the marriage. Thirty-six out
    of 46 respondents also supported revocation of
    ILR following evidence of abuse of the marriage
    route to gain settlement.

    so you never know what bad things could happen, so having ILR maybe not be enough, all the more reason to apply for naturalization, if it doesn't work out btw you both , that you wouldn't have to leave and go back to the phils

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    ...... that you wouldn't have to leave and go back to the phils
    By that time, they'll be begging to get out the country like the rest of us
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    thanks for the info Mod Joe..

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    thanks for the info Mod Joe..
    Sounds better than Punk Joe I suppose
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    We do read your posts Joe. Don't worry.
    Best regards.

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    We dont read at the moment as your suppose to be studying SQL

    But your right to point out big changes are afoot me thinks with the visa and ILR situation.

    Why because what else can the Goverment do?

    They cant flash money around they wasted it on northern rock and what have you.

    So looking tough on subjects not affecting the majority of voters but which may concern them is a cheap way to look good with the masses.

  7. #7
    Respected Member 5olidsnake's Avatar
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    i think revoking a ILR maybe ok
    if abuse of the marriage route has been 100% proven

    and the changes to the age limit are possibly intended for the right reasons, (or just to reduce the number of applicants ???) are young filipinas ready for the big cultural differences facing a british/filipino relationship, some maybe are immature and only focusing on escaping their situation in the Philippines, i know this is a stereotypical view, yes some 18/19 year olds are mature for their age but some are not

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    We dont read at the moment as your suppose to be studying SQL
    i would rather study for and sit the 'life in the uk' or read all of "ANALYSIS OF MARRIAGE VISA CONSULTATION RESPONSES JUNE 2008" a 1000 times than just look at a sql book

    well its good to see a few people replied

    as for ILR, i'm sure the gov could make lots of money out of it, i'm surprised it's not got an expire date, how many 100,000s of people could they make every few years

    at the mo, only way to revoke ILR is, if it was obtained fraudulently or you commit a serious crime, but i've read a many cases where the wife or hubby has just got ILR and then run off with someone else , as they all know once you have ILR, no one can doing anything

    but theres a bit of a problem here, if the gov can revoke your ilr say within 5yrs of marriage if you abandon your wife/hubby, the gov want people to move from ilr to naturalization, so how could they do it? most peple would just apply for citizenship, and have a british passport, then are the going to revoke that within 5yrs to cannot

  9. #9
    Respected Member 5olidsnake's Avatar
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    if the marriage is abandoned by the husband or wife and revoking the the ILR is a serious issue, then keep "evidence of a relationship breakdown" (photos of the adultery in the act, letters and emails or police/medical documents showing domestic abuse etc) would prove that it was a genuine case, not an abuse of the marriage route.

  10. #10
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i would rather study for and sit the 'life in the uk' or read all of "ANALYSIS OF MARRIAGE VISA CONSULTATION RESPONSES JUNE 2008" a 1000 times than just look at a sql book

    well its good to see a few people replied

    as for ILR, i'm sure the gov could make lots of money out of it, i'm surprised it's not got an expire date, how many 100,000s of people could they make every few years

    at the mo, only way to revoke ILR is, if it was obtained fraudulently or you commit a serious crime, but i've read a many cases where the wife or hubby has just got ILR and then run off with someone else , as they all know once you have ILR, no one can doing anything

    but theres a bit of a problem here, if the gov can revoke your ilr say within 5yrs of marriage if you abandon your wife/hubby, the gov want people to move from ilr to naturalization, so how could they do it? most peple would just apply for citizenship, and have a british passport, then are the going to revoke that within 5yrs to cannot
    Thats a situation a lot of people would quote about the person gaining ilr and buggering off. So would make a good populist rulemaking to say they have to wait longer or certain condtions and would not affect many voters.

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