i would rather study for and sit the 'life in the uk' or read all of "ANALYSIS OF MARRIAGE VISA CONSULTATION RESPONSES JUNE 2008" a 1000 times than just look at a sql book
well its good to see a few people replied
as for ILR, i'm sure the gov could make lots of money out of it, i'm surprised it's not got an expire date, how many 100,000s of people could they make

every few years
at the mo, only way to revoke ILR is, if it was obtained fraudulently or you commit a serious crime, but i've read a many cases where the wife or hubby has just got ILR and then run off with someone else

, as they all know once you have ILR, no one can doing anything
but theres a bit of a problem here, if the gov can revoke your ilr say within 5yrs of marriage if you abandon your wife/hubby, the gov want people to move from ilr to naturalization, so how could they do it? most peple would just apply for citizenship, and have a british passport, then are the going to revoke that

within 5yrs to
