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Thread: Certificates of Approval for Marriage (COA)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
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    Certificates of Approval for Marriage (COA)

    I have read this forum and the links but still cannot get my head round this.

    My fiance enters the UK on a fiance visa (well I hope she will on 23rd July) does she need to apply for a COA before we apply to the Registrar? I feel that the answer is No because that serves the same purpose as the fiance visa but find the wording in the guidance confusing and dont want to be caught out.

    As a secondary question we can see the Registrar at the designated office after my fiance has resided here for seven days. She needs to show proof of address - I am struggling to think of any correspondence that she is likely to receive within that short a time to offer as that proof. Any suggestions?

    Also on my mind - although not directly linked - is the immigration procedure at Heathrow airport. Should we queue together for foreign entrants? If possible I would like to queue with her but will I be able to get through with a British passport?

    Thanks for your help.


  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    Wisbech, Cambs
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    So far as I can remember the only documents that the Registrar needed to see was her passport with the appropriate visa in it and my divorce certificate to show I was free to marry. It was all very simple and straight forward. When we arrived we queued separately and I asked the officer whether I could have waited with my then fiance, who was clearly nervous. He said that they encourage that, so that we can answer any questions they might have. So I would definately go in the queue with her. You will have to wait anyway so why not?

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